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Archived Blog Posts

Spring Storms Are Coming | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pounding down on a blacktop surface Let SERVPRO of Tri-County help you get from April showers to May flowers.

The spring season is finally returning, and while that means plenty of flowers and greener grass, it can also mean strong storms. Thunderstorms, flooding and even tornadoes are not unusual to see during this season.

As spring presses on toward summer and temperatures start becoming more consistently warm, storms can become more severe. That makes being prepared incredibly important.

The first step to being prepared is having reliable ways to receive weather alerts so that you can keep yourself and your family safe.

<h3power-of-the-internet">The Power of the Internet

Most of us stay connected through phones, tablets and countless other devices throughout the day, which makes this the perfect place to receive weather alerts. Wireless Emergency Alerts can come through automatically for a number of situations, but you can also choose from a number of apps.

When you choose apps to get notifications from, make sure you stick with an organization that is nationally recognized. Take a look at local offerings as well. Many news stations have apps that you can opt into notifications for weather and other events going on locally. Make sure to also sign up for alerts from the county for the most up-to-date information.

If a severe weather event is predicted to be heading our way, don’t wait for an alert. Keep an eye on forecasts and news reports so that you can stay informed not just about the weather, but about potential evacuation orders and shelter openings.

<h3electronic-options">Non-Electronic Options

As wonderful as staying connected via our devices can be, eventually their batteries will wear out. It is incredibly common for storms to take out power long-term, which makes it important to have another source you can receive weather alerts and updates from.

If you live close enough to hear city sirens, familiarize yourself and your family with what the alarms sound like and how to respond to them. These may not be reliable during a strong thunderstorm or other loud event, so you may want to consider investing in an NOAA radio.

These radios are portable and are powered with a hand-crank or solar power. They can stay on for a long time and can go wherever you go, which means you can stay continually updated even if you are sheltering or investigating your home for potential damage in between waves of storms.

Staying prepared and informed can save your life, but it may not stop damage to your home. If you discover damage, call us right away. We are available day or night to restore your home and get your life put back together fast.

Serious storms can cause serious property damage. Call SERVPRO® 24-hour emergency service for immediate restoration assistance.

What to Do When Sewage Leaks | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

sewage water pooling on a kitchen floor after a leak SERVPRO of Tri-County is always ready to respond to your call when biohazard incidents strike.

Sewage leaks are not something many of us even want to talk about, and we certainly don’t want to ever deal with them in our home or office. While they may not cause the same amount of damage as some other disasters that can happen, sewage leaks can make a real, stinky mess.

While we may not want to think about possible sewage leaks, they are quite common and can happen anywhere. Understanding how to respond is crucial for getting things put back together quickly and safely.

What to Do First

A sewage backup is often caused by a clog or blockage. When it can’t run down a pipe well, wastewater finds its way up sink drains, tubs and showers. Sewage leaks can also occur when your water line or pipes are damaged.

However a leak starts, the most important thing to remember is to try not to touch the water. When a flood or leak enters a building, it is classified in three different ways—white water, gray water and black water. White water and gray water originate from a source that is considered clear of toxins, but black water comes from a toxic source. Sewage leaks are black water and can contain viruses, bacteria and microbes.

Stay out of the water, and go find your water shutoff valve to stop any further spreading of the leak. Open windows and turn fans on around the area in order to help eliminate fumes. Block the area off so that no one else can access the area, including pets and children.

Where SERVPRO® Comes In

At SERVPRO, our technicians are highly trained and certified to handle a multitude of biohazardous situations quickly and safely. From the moment you call us, night or day, your recovery process begins. We will gather information over the phone in order to put together a team and the appropriate equipment for your unique situation.

While you are waiting for our team to make it to your property, safely take some photos of the area. Even if these aren’t images you want to revisit, having documentation will help make insurance claims easier. These pictures can also help our crew better determine exactly what your restoration is going to entail.

When our team gets there, our professionals will start assessing the situation in order to identify the cause of the leak. Removing water and sewage will also be a top priority. Since we are dealing with a toxic leak, we will be in protective gear in order to handle everything as safely as possible. During this part of the process it is best if you can stay away to avoid the toxins.

As recovery continues, we will make sure that the source of the leak is fixed, any subsequent damages are repaired and the whole area is thoroughly deep-cleaned. Your space will be sanitized and odors will be addressed as well. When we are done, we will make sure there are no lingering odors and everything is the way you want it.

Stinky sewage in our space is not something anyone ever wants to imagine, but if you end up with a leak, call us. We will get everything safe and clean fast.

Sewage leaks should always be cleaned up by professionals. Call SERVPRO, and we will take care of you.

Protect Your Home From Flood Damage With the Basics | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of Tri-County is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

When you want to do something really well, you have to start with the basics. This is really evident when your kids bring home math homework. If they don’t know the basics, everyone will end up in tears.

Relying on the basics is also a good way to prepare your home for potential natural disasters. There isn’t a lot we can do to stop Mother Nature when she decides to show off her strengths, but if our homes are ready, we will weather any storm just a little easier.

Floods are one of the top ways that homes all around the nation are damaged, which means covering the basics of flood preparation is important for all of us.

Know Your Zone

There are a number of ways that floods can leave homes damaged, and many of them don’t come from nature. Something that happens inside your home can be pretty damaging, but manmade disasters are generally easier to get under control and clean up from afterward.

Weather-related water damage can be more challenging. In this part of Georgia, heavy rains that lead to flash flooding are common throughout the year. With Toccoa Falls so close to many of our communities, river flooding from Kelly Barnes lake can also be a major issue.

One of the most basic ways you can protect your property is getting to know the flood zones in the area. When you understand your specific risks, you can take the best steps possible to be prepared.

Take note of how your yard reacts during a heavy rain as well. If you are close to the river or in a low-lying part of our community, adding extra drainage could be a good way to keep water from seeping into your home.

Most of us are in areas surrounded with a lot of leaf-releasing trees, which makes gutter covers another good idea to keep water out of your house. Taking extra care of your roof, especially in the spring when storms and wind can get strong, can also help ensure everything stays dry.

Prepare to Prevent

Getting to know the area around your home and community is one of the best first basic steps you can take towards getting your home ready to weather a flood well. There are some other steps you can take as well in order to prevent flood damage in your home.

Starting in your yard, make sure there is slope away from your home in order to encourage rain to flow quickly away. If there is a spot in your yard that likes to stay wet after a rain, consider adding organic material or a garden in order to force water underground. Extending your gutter downspouts can also make a big difference in keeping things dry. Consider installing them underground for extra protection.

On the inside of your home, consider your doors and windows. Every fall and spring check their seals and update the caulking around them. Watch your basement for cracks and seals, and bring in a professional to reseal it every 10 years or sooner if there are signs of aging. If you don’t have a sump pump, this is an upgrade that can make a huge difference, especially if you live near the river.

When you think about preparing your home, focus on the basics. Add a few home maintenance to your regular to-do lists so that you can rest a little easier when heavy rains move in. Being prepared for flooding will be much easier than trying to teach your kids math.

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

Insurance Claims Made Simple | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

team of servpro workers unloading a branded work van and entering a business for a commercial job SERVPRO of Tri-County is Here to Help® with your business' disaster recovery!

A disaster striking your home or community can leave your head spinning. The swirl of thoughts running through your mind will likely be dominated by concern about how your friends and loved ones are doing, along with worry about whether your home has been damaged.

In the midst of those thoughts, you may not consider needing to file an insurance claim. Even though it may be far from your concerns, the sooner you can start the recovery process, the easier things will be.

That is where our team comes in. We are available around the clock to help you work through all the parts of your recovery you haven’t thought about yet. We will make managing everything simple.

Start Fast, Document Often

Timing matters in every kind of disaster that happens. The faster you can respond, the more you can mitigate your potential losses. Make sure you take steps to stay safe, though, when you do choose to respond. Stay out of floodwaters, avoid downed trees and power poles and keep back from hotspots from a fire.

Stay in a safe place until officials have given an all-clear. When you do head out to assess the situation, check on your friends and neighbors first. Clear the way for emergency vehicles as safely as you can, and address any needs you can.

Once you know that everything is OK as it can be, call us at SERVPRO®. We will start your recovery right away, taking as much information as we can over the phone as we put together a team to head to your property.

When you know that our team is headed in your direction, start taking photos of the damage. While it is ideal to leave repairs to the professionals, if you see something you can fix immediately in order to stop additional damages, go ahead and do so. Make sure you take notes about the before and after of what you did. When it comes to insurance claims, the more documentation you can provide, the better.

Leave It to Our Team

The first step our team will take once they get to your property is to start securing your home in order to avoid more damage from the elements. While we tackle a roof that needs to be tarped or windows that need to be bored, we will also start looking through what you have already documented in order to add to it. Our professionals are not just trained in disaster recovery, but we are also highly trained in insurance requirements and standards.

We will build an itemized list of all your losses while we work through your recovery. We will also add photos to what you have already taken. We come with certifications on insurance inspections expectations, and we make it our goal to restore rather than replace your property. Whatever we can do to make your claims process simple and keep your costs low, we will do it.

You can put your recovery into the hands of our team and trust that things will be handled well. From ensuring your insurance claims process is smooth to ensuring your recovery is quick, we’ve got you covered.

When a disaster strikes, call us to make your recovery process—insurance claims and all—simple.

Water Leaks Can Be a Smelly Situation | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

water dripping from ceiling into a large puddle on tile floor Trust SERVPRO of Tri-County to provide comprehensive services for a full recovery for all your water damage restoration needs.

There are few things worse than stepping into your kitchen or laundry room and finding a puddle on the floor. Even discovering that you forgot to close a single window before that big rainstorm and now everything around it is wet can make for a difficult day.

It doesn’t really matter where water leaks come from, they are likely to leave you with more damage than a regular mop and bucket can clean up. Water can end up in places you would never have imagined.

Professional help in a hurry is crucial when it comes to water damage. The faster you can get things dry, the less damage you will have.

Addressing Water Leaks

When water gets into the wrong places, it can cause total chaos in a short amount of time. A leak can find its way under your floors, behind your walls and into every hard to reach place around your home.

If a water leak happens in your home, do your best to dry up all the visible water you can. Take special care to note any cracks, corners, cabinets and walls around where the leak was in case you need to later identify more extensive damages. When moisture gets into tight space where there is no airflow, it will not dry on its own. Instead, it can linger for a long time, potentially creating a dangerous situation.

Metal structures near the moisture will rust and wooden beams can begin to break down. Mold will start to grow, and it can spread into an entire colony in less than two days. This means you could be dealing with far more than just some wet spots from a water leak.

Following Your Nose

After a water leak, if you notice a musty odor, it is a sure sign that mold has started to spread. Try your best to sniff out the source of the smell, but keep in mind that it may not be obvious. Mold loves to hide out behind your walls or under your floor, which can make it hard to see.

Our professionals can handle even the hardest to find mold outbreaks. When you call us, we will not just dry out the area around the leak, we will also replace warped walls, restore soft floorboards and start working to find every single spot of mold. Through drying, remediation and sanitization techniques, we will get your home completely as it should be again.

Even the most well-restored home won’t feel like yours again until every lingering odor is gone. As we clean and restore your space, we will isolate the area in order to filter the air through your HVAC system. We will also disinfect everything, sealing surfaces so that mold cannot return and odors are completely trapped. Our restoration team will ensure you are completely back to pre-water damage condition again.

Don’t ignore signs of a water leak. Contact SERVPRO® for a full recovery.

Take the Fear Out of Storms With a Plan | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of Tri-County to help you recover.

As thunder begins to rumble outside, the inside of your home could quickly become pretty chaotic. Dogs barking, kids asking a million questions and clinging to your side—it can all leave you wondering how you are going to safely navigate the oncoming storm.

Thunderstorms are a common occurrence here in Georgia, and it can stir up any time of the year. It also isn’t uncommon to see heavy rains, flash floods and tornadoes. We may not be able to control the weather—or even really predict what exactly it is going to do—but we can control how we respond to it.

With a plan and some basic knowledge, we can get through any storm comfortably and safely.

Knowing What to Look For

Is there anything better than spending time staring at the clouds? Take the kids outside for some cloud gazing, and while you find all sorts of shapes, talk with them about what an oncoming storm might look like. Help them understand that things can get dark, or they can have a greenish tint. Make sure they also know that swirling clouds mean it is time to find shelter.

While you talk about the sights of a storm, consider going over some of the sounds they may hear as well. Lightning can strike before or after a storm has moved into your area, so any time thunder is heard, it should prompt your kiddos to head indoors.

If you live close enough to a tornado siren, make sure everyone in your home can identify the sound. Play weather alerts for them on your phone and weather radio as well, and let them know these sounds will always mean it is time to get to a safe place.

Preparing for the Event

Once your family feels a little more familiar with what storms can look and sound like, work together to create an emergency plan. Your plan should include where to go and what supplies you will need any time a weather alert is issued.

Find a room on the lowest level of your home that is interior—something without windows is ideal. Show the kids where this space is, and let them spend some time getting comfortable hanging out there. Build a fort as a family and practice huddling together, maybe even playing a game by flashlight.

Put together an emergency kit that you can keep somewhere close to the space as well. This kit should include some items that stay in it permanently, like first-aid supplies, batteries, candles and flashlights. When storms are predicted, add in water, prescription medications and some seasonally appropriate shoes.

Let the kids help personalize your kit by choosing their favorite shelf-stable snacks to include. Give them their own flashlights that they can keep with them. Every once in a while, play flashlight hide and seek to help them learn to navigate your home in the dark.

Adding some card games, stuffed animals and other comfort items can also be a helpful way to get through storms. The more you can keep everyone calm, the easier riding out a warning together will be.

Keeping Calm

Keep in mind that weather-related anxiety is common in people of all ages, but can be especially challenging for children. Make emergency planning fun and lighthearted to help avoid fears.

It is also helpful for everyone to understand that the risk of extreme damage is generally pretty low. Most homes will only suffer damage to the yard, roof and siding.

Learn about storms, make a plan and prepare your supplies. When you are ready to face severe weather, your whole family will feel calm and empowered to get through anything.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

Protecting the Outside of Your Home From Storms | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

Empty parking lot with lots of greenery shown during a heavy downpour of rain. Have you been impacted by the unusual summer storm season? SERVPRO of Tri-County has your back when you experience flood and water damage.

There are so many ways the outside of your home could be damaged. Wind, hail, rain, tornadoes…the list of weather threats could go on and on. The extremes your home will face will vary throughout the year, but when you are unprepared, the outcome can be a total disaster.

Your list of responsibilities and to-dos at home is likely already very long. With everyday maintenance to tackle, adding on storm prep might not sound ideal. The good news is there are some pretty simple steps you can take seasonally that will go a long way in protecting your home.

Georgia weather can be a mixed bag, and if you have lived here a while you have probably heard the saying “if you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes.” Winters are typically mild, but they can bring snow and ice as well as plenty of rain and even a few severe storms. Spring and summer tend to be very active, with strong thunderstorms, occasional tornadoes and lots of rain. And with Toccoa Falls so close to most of our communities, flooding can’t be ruled out.

In order to prepare your home, the best place to start is outside. Add a few extra steps to your regular yard work days to keep your home and loved ones as safe as possible.

Seasonal Preps

Taking care of your home to prevent damage during a storm is not hard. It can actually become part of your regular routine, and the kids can even help out!

Regardless of your location, strong winds and plenty of rain will always be something you need to be prepared for. Trim the trees on your property, and keep your gutter cleared out regularly.

Pick up loose limbs and tie down anything that stays outside permanently, like your patio furniture. Taking these steps often can go a long way toward preventing broken windows from flying debris and water leaks from heavy rains.

Walk your property at least once a month and be intentional about looking for signs of deterioration. Take note of any gaps in your siding or loose shingles on your roof. Your roof is an area of your home you should become very familiar with to keep it in good shape. Check it after wind storms and give it a thorough inspection at least every four months. Replace missing shingles or broken gutters, and check for openings around the chimney and the edges of your home.

Home Upgrades

You can do a whole lot of good in preparing your home with some fairly simple, no cost steps, but there are a few upgrades you should consider for better long-term outcomes.

Adding storm shutters or even upgrading your windows to heavier materials can be a great way to protect your home when the wind picks up. Storm shutters can be closed quickly ahead of the threat, while thick glass can keep you safe from blowing objects. Gutter guards that prevent leaf buildup are another great addition to homes in our area. These are very helpful for ensuring rain has a clear path away from your roof and the rest of your home.

For disconnected buildings you have on your property, adding additional bracing can ensure things stay where they are supposed to during a windstorm. Additional tie-downs to mobile homes can also provide a lot of reassurance.

Make sure you have two ways to get weather alerts when they are issued, and teach everyone in your home where the safest place to go is during a storm. If your home is damaged, call us right away. We will start recovery fast so you can get back to living.

Was your home damaged in a storm? Call us at SERVPRO of Tri-County to start restoration, 247.

Burgers and Hot Dogs Hot Off the Safe Grill | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

Man holding tongs above grill preparing food outdoors Have you had a barbeque gone wrong? Call SERVPRO of Tri-County to get your space back in shape.

Is there a better season than summer? Especially here in Georgia, where greenery grows lush and gardens are full of beautiful colors. Even if you aren’t a fan of the high humidity that comes with a summer in Toccoa, you likely still get outside every once in a while to fire up the grill.

Grilling is a great way to feed the family without heating up the house, but when it isn’t done safely it can result in a terrible disaster. Improper use of a grill is one of the leading causes of house fires, particularly during the summer season. SERVPRO of Tri-County wants to ensure that you can eat all the burgers you want without worrying about fire.

The Setup

In order to grill safely all season long, the first thing you need to do is pick the appropriate place to set up. Grills should be in an exterior, open space only. That means even when we have a rainy week in Canon, you still shouldn’t try and cook in the garage. Place your grill somewhere that is free of overhangs and low-hanging tree limbs.

You should also locate a spot that is at least 10 feet away from any structures. Create a solid radius around the grill so that sparks can’t catch anything on fire, and make sure you animals and children understand this is a zone they are not allowed in to prevent accidents.

If you are using a charcoal grill, clean it before every use. Remove ash and any other buildup, and examine the grill for holes or other signs of wear. Propane and any other kind of gas grills should also get a full inspection before use. Check to ensure connections are tight and there are no holes in the gas lines. Even a tiny hole can result in disaster.

Manning the Flames

Once you have your setup ready, take the time to get your supplies ready. Keep a squirt bottle within reach to take care of flames when they get too high, and hook up your hose or store a fire extinguisher close enough to grab in a hurry in case of an emergency.

Even after the food is cooked, stay by the grill to get everything turned off and start the cooling process. Turn off the gas supply, and cut off the burners. Close vents in order to smother out flames by cutting off the oxygen supply.

The sooner you can remove ash or leftover charcoal from the grill, the better. Leftover fuel supplies can catch fire very easily, so take it out and dispose of them in a metal container. Check the grill before you head to bed and make sure it has cooled down plenty.

Summers here are incredible, and you should be able to enjoy every moment of them free of worries. Grill safely this summer, and keep SERVPRO of Tri-County’s phone number handy. We are available 247 to start restoration quickly if things do get out of hand.

Don’t let fire damage linger in your home. Call us at SERVPRO of Tri-County for a fast restoration.

Water Damage and Your Home | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

Pool of water sitting on top of a herringbone patterned wood floor with furniture nearby If you discover water damage in your home or business, call SERVPRO of Tri-County right away.

Water is a powerful resource. In our homes, we do our best to control it through pipes and faucets, but even still it can have a surprising force. If you have ever spent time near the ocean or other large body of water, you understand the true raw power that water is.

Water is something that we require every single day, but when it starts getting out of control, it can creep into all the wrong places and create havoc. The Tri-Counties have had a few flooding episodes in the past, with the most historic being the dam break in the 70s. Toccoa Falls is a beautiful place to be, but it also means we all have to be aware of the possibility of flooding at all times.

You can take a lot of steps to prevent damages and protect your home, but there will always be natural disasters you can’t stop. That makes have water damage restoration experts near you incredibly important.

The First Steps

Should your home take on water, the sooner you can act, the better your outcome will be. Water moves fast—and creates deep damage fast. Seek out the source of the water as soon as you can and take steps to dry as much as possible.

Once you have found where the water is coming from, see what you can do to stop it. If the flood is occurring because of a natural disaster, you may simply have to wait in a safe space. Internal flooding can be controlled by turning it off at the source. Learn where all the water shut-off valves are in your home so that you can take quick action if a failure occurs.

Never set foot in standing water that could be affecting your electrical system. Turn the power off to the flooded area or your whole home if necessary before you start drying anything.

When it is safe, call us at SERVPRO®. Our phone lines are available 247, so it doesn’t matter what time a disaster strikes in your home. The sooner you call, the sooner your recovery begins.

How We Dry Your Home

As soon as you call us, we will start assessing your situation and gathering as much information as possible. While we gather what we need, you should snap as many photos as possible. We will work side by side with your insurance company to ensure the smoothest process as possible, and the more documentation you have, the easier it will be.

We will get a team headed to your home right away, complete with the equipment necessary to start drying everything out. Eliminating standing water and tackling your soft items will be our first priority as we ensure every drop of water and all odors are removed. Your home will be sanitized as we work to save as much of your property as possible.

Our professionals are trained to handle everything your restoration needs. If part of your home is destroyed, we can rebuild it. We will make sure that your house is exactly as you want it to be when everything is finished.

Any standing water greater than an inch requires a professional to ensure that everything is handled correctly. Different kinds of water necessitate different kinds of processes in order to stay sanitary, and our team is trained in all of them. With our SERVPRO team right around the corner, you can rest easy knowing that everything will be done to restore your property fast.

Do you have water damage in your home? Call us for fast and complete restoration.

When a Storm Brings Disaster | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

Dramatic night shot of a home with visible roof damage from a recently storm and fallen debris Summer storms affecting your property? Call SERVPRO of Tri-County to restore your space in no time!

Severe weather can catch you off-guard, even when you have had time to prepare for it. Thunderstorms can move fast and gain strength quickly, blowing into and out of your life before you even really know what has happened.

The Tri-County area may be a beautiful place to live, especially with Toccoa Falls so nearby, but we can also have some pretty extreme weather from time to time. Georgia weather in general is warm and humid, which means thunderstorms, tornadoes and torrential rainfall are possible year-round. Flash floods are a common threat, particularly when the weather gets worse during the spring and summer months.

With our constantly changing Georgia weather, we understand how important it is to be prepared for a storm. Being prepared to handle storm damage after a severe system has moved out can be just as important, too.

With a few easy steps, you can ensure your recovery starts quick and moves smoothly if you face damage when a storm brings disaster.

Immediately After the Storm

In the moments after a storm has passed, stay alert and prepared for lingering thunder and lightning, heavy rains and the potential for other rounds of severe storms. Keep a weather radio or other device that can alert you to a warning at hand everywhere you go, and make sure you can get back to your shelter quickly.

As things begin to quiet down outside, start contacting you loved ones to let them know you are OK and to see who needs help. If there is no cell service, you may still be able to reach people via text. Go out if you can safely do so and physically check on those around you.

Don’t go into damaged buildings or houses, but do search for those that may need to be safely guided out of a damaged house. Clear an access path for emergency personnel in both the street and driveways as much as you are able.

Once you have made sure everyone is safe around you, start taking photos and documenting your personal damage while you call SERVPRO of Tri-County. We are right around the corner, and with 247 service, we are ready to start your restoration the moment the storm rolls out.

As More Time Passes

As time begins to pass, the extent of the damage will become clearer. It’s crucial as you move forward on your recovery to stay vigilant for other potential hazards. You need to be aware of loose debris items such as nails and boards, and continue to keep an eye on the weather. Always have two ways to receive weather alerts in case more severe weather starts to move in.

One of the top priorities of our team will be to secure your home from any other damage. We can tarp roofs and seal broken windows, as well as remove any standing water. It is our goal to start your recovery quickly, so we will do what it takes to keep the elements out of your home and save as much of your belongings as possible.

SERVPRO® works hand in hand with your insurance company, which means you have one less thing to worry about. As the full extent of your damage comes to light, you may need to consider finding a place for your family to stay as the recovery proceeds.

One of the most important things you can do is to remain calm through the whole recovery. Getting through a severe storm is scary, but seeing your home damaged can be completely devastating. With a crew of professionals working to put your home back together around the clock, you can rest assured your life will be back to normal in no time.

If a storm leaves your home damaged, contact us for fast recovery. We’re here 247 when you need us.

When Rain Leaves All the Wrong Things Wet | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

image of a large body of water during a rain storm with ripples caused by the heavy downpour Water damage in your home? Not for long with SERVPRO of Tri-County on the case!

Is there anything better than listening to rain trickling down after a hot day and weeks of dry weather? Rain has a way of slowing everything down and making the world feel more calm, leaving everything watered and refreshed.

When rain starts to get heavy, though, it can bring a whole lot of problems with it. Heavy rain can quickly overwhelm gutter systems, yards and roads, leaving all the wrong things wet. Heavy rain often comes with other threats as well, and it can quickly create leaks in your roof or puddles in your basement.

SERVPRO of Tri-County is your neighbor, and we want to keep you safe through every storm. We are here to dry you out when you need it, but to also help you prepare for anything that Mother Nature throws at you.

Hazards of Intense Rain

Georgia weather comes with a lot of changes, many of them occurring all within the same day. Year-round, we can see severe thunderstorms, tornadoes and flash floods. In January, deadly tornadoes swept through our area, leaving behind devastation even in the cold of winter.

In the Tri-County area, we know that it is crucial to be prepared for storms and flooding. Heavy rain can lead to roads covered in water and grass that can’t keep up with absorption. When rain gets that heavy, it often comes with high winds and hail, which can leave behind even more damage and push water further into all the places it shouldn’t be.

We may not be able to control, or oftentimes even predict what Mother Nature is going to do to our communities, but we can prepare for it. Staying tuned into local news stations is incredibly important when severe weather is anticipated, as well as making sure your family knows how to communicate throughout the situation.

Staying Safe

When it comes to getting your home and your family ready, safety should always be your top priority. If you are out on the road, find a safe place to stop and wait the storm out if you can’t make it home. Stay off of roads that are known to flood frequently, and avoid ditches or low-lying areas. At home, bring inside as much as you can or strap down anything that can’t come in. Park your car in a garage or somewhere solid and on high ground.

Inside your home, move anything from the lower levels of your home and put items you can’t replace on high shelves or in a water tight container to protect them. If water starts to come into your home while you are there, move to the highest level of your home and wait it out. Floodwater moves quickly and the longer you can stay dry, the safer you will be. If you are able, cut the power to your home or the flooded area and call us to start your recovery.

Future Prevention Strategies

The Georgia saying of “if you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes” certainly holds true for the Tri-County area, and even the most prepared home might still take on flooding when rain gets heavy and flash floods abound. While we work to put your home back together, we will also help you take some steps to bolster your home’s safety ahead of the next storm.

Bringing in a professional to take a look at your yard is a great way to set a first line of defense against water intrusion. Grading, along with organic material in your landscaping, can ensure water flows away from your house and is absorb quickly and thoroughly.

You might also consider adding a sump pump to your home if you do not already have one. Sump pumps move water away from the foundation of your home as it comes in, preventing flooding in your basement and near the structure of your home.

No matter what happens, SERVPRO® is Here to Help®. We can dry your home out fast with our 247 service and highly trained professionals. We will make sure everything is mold- and odor-free, and put your life back together faster than you could imagine.

We are here for all of your water disasters. Contact us day or night for a quick recovery.

The Basics for Safe Outdoor Fires | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

campfire-style fire pit with flames emerging from the top of the logs on the dark green grass Bonfire season is upon us! SERVPRO of Tri-County has your back with these helpful fire safety tips.

You might not have noticed much of a difference, but fall is rapidly approaching. There will be a cool breeze in the air and pumpkins decorating everything before we know it. While the break in the heat and humidity is always a very welcome change, there are a lot of other wonderful things about the fall season.

Many of us love spending more time outside this time of year, including evenings around the fire pit. Gathering our loved ones for sticky marshmallows and the chance to share stories can be pure magic, especially when you take the time to keep everything safe.

SERVPRO® is always here for you when a disaster strikes and leaves your property with damages, but we also want to make sure you know how to prevent a fire from ever starting in the first place.

Tips for Starting the Fire

In order to keep things safe from the start, consider these things you should do:

Do find a spot that will be safe for creating your blaze. Choose somewhere that has no low hanging branches, loose debris or nearby structures.

Do keep water for emergency use at arms’ reach. A bucket full of water can put out a flame that gets into the wrong place before it causes extensive damage. Dirt and sand can also help smother embers that might accidentally fly out as well.

Do check the weather. A little bit of wind can spell disaster when it comes to outdoor fires. Look for wind advisories and change your plans if things are predicted to get breezy. Check on any potential burn bans for the area as well, and make sure you are keeping up with any changes in regulations.

Tips for While the Fire Is Hot

Keeping things safe during the fire is pretty easy as well when you keep a few things you don’t want to do in mind:

Don’t burn anything other than treated wood. Using fuel accelerants of any kind can result in a dangerous situation, as can tossing trash onto the fire.

Don’t allow playing around the fire. Create a zone for the kids and your pets to stay out of, and set up any yard games a safe distance away.

Don’t create a massive bonfire, no matter how many friends are cheering you on. Keep it small so that you can stamp out any rogue flame quickly.

Don’t leave the fire until it is completely out. Put water on the fire when you are done for the night, and keep a close eye on it until there are no red embers. Glowing embers can flame at any moment.

Wildfire Prevention

Having a safe fire is incredibly important. Keep in mind that most wildfires could have been prevented. Do what you can to prevent even the possibility of things getting out of control by keeping things small, having water nearby and never walking away.

If you do ever have a fire on your property, SERVPRO is ready to take care of the damage fast. Call us and we will be there to put things back together so you can continue to enjoy this season and every other one.

Fire can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Contact us day or night for immediate assistance.

Threats to Your Home | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

residential home with roof destroyed and debris falling down If you discover damage in your residence, call SERVPRO of Tri-County right away.

There are many threats to your home on a regular basis—extreme weather, fires, aging or even a neighborhood football game with one bad throw that ends up in your living room instead of the end zone.

Even with a multitude of ways our homes could be damaged, we can’t spend our days worrying about them. Instead, we can prepare for them and rest easy knowing that even the most unpredicted natural disaster won’t be able to keep us down for long.

In order to prepare for them, we must first come to understand all the threats to our homes. The more understanding we gain, the more we will also understand how simple the restoration process can be, especially with the SERVPRO of Tri-County team right around the corner.

The Biggest Risks

Have you heard the saying “if you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes”? We are pretty sure that it was written about Georgia! The temperatures can swing wildly, strong thunderstorms are possible year-round, and tornado season keeps getting longer and longer. We can also experience some hard freezes periodically that leave our pipes vulnerable to freezing.

Even with the number of threats the weather can bring us throughout the year, there are three main kinds of damage everyone should focus on. Water, fire and roof damage are the top threats to houses everywhere.

All three of those kinds of damage can come from a number of sources. Water damage could start from a flash flood, or it could be the result of an appliance failure. Your roof could experience a leak during a torrential downpour, or it could gain a hole when a limb you didn’t know was weak comes falling down. Fire can come from external sources like wildfires, but more often, fires start inside from human error.

Compounding Damages

Dealing with a disaster is incredibly difficult, but when you start to take a look at the compounding damage that is left behind, it can be easy to get quickly overwhelmed. No matter what the disaster was, one kind of damage almost always leads to another.

Flooding will soak everything in its path completely through, but it will also create the perfect environment for mold to grow and spread all the way to your foundation. Fire not only burns everything the flames touch, it also spreads soot and smoke damage throughout your home. The firefighting efforts can cause damage as well, as the water or chemicals used leave your belongings stained and wet.

If your home was damaged, it doesn’t really matter how the disaster started. Any kind of disaster will require a multi-step recovery process. With training in fire, wind, mold, water and construction, SERVPRO® is ready to handle everything.

When a flood happens, our first step will be to start drying everything that got wet. Our crew will make sure everything is structurally sound, and we can replace roof beams or parts of your foundation. During the recovery process, we will also sanitize your home, removing any odors and sealing out the possibility of mold regrowing.

After a fire, we will tackle your recovery in much the same way, starting with the most damaged places and removing anything burned while we secure your home. Our professionals will also address water damage left behind by firefighting as needed, and we will make sure smoke, soot and odors are all gone. If part of your home was burned beyond repair, we can tear it down and rebuild it.

SERVPRO works directly with your insurance company and coordinates with any other necessary contractors. It’s our goal to make the process smooth and easy—and with our availability, tools and experience, we are always ready to do just that.

Does your home need restoration and you don’t want to make more than one call? Contact us to get everything handled by one team.

The Importance of Emergency Plans for Businesses | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

emergency ready plan binder SERVPRO of Tri-County is Here to Help® with your businesses ERP. Call us today to start the process!

We have been seeing an uptick in natural disasters over the last few years across the United States. The statistics are a little scary on them, too, as you can see that not only are they happening more frequently, but they are growing in strength and leaving behind more damage.

Stats might help us see a big picture, but they don’t always reflect what will happen with our own businesses. Your company might never experience a natural disaster that leaves you with damage. But even if that does hold true for you, there are still risks of manmade disasters that could leave your business hurt.

Thinking about the ways that our business can be damaged can be an overwhelming task, but it is a necessary one. When you take the time to consider what you might face, you can prepare for it—and when you are prepared, you can rest a little easier knowing things are safe.

The Importance of a Plan

As the frequency of natural disasters continues to increase, building a plan has become more important than ever. Taking a step back and really looking at the risks your business could endure can help you stay ahead of them—which means you will be prepared when potential storms, fires or floods strike.

When a disaster strikes, it is not only physical and emotional damage you are left to deal with. Both natural and manmade disasters are some of the most financially damaging events that can occur in the life of a business. With a plan, you are not only protecting the lives of your staff but your finances as well.

Having a plan ahead of time means that work can start back the moment it is safe to do so. Often when a business faces a forced closure due to any kind of disaster, there is very little chance for it to ever reopen. Make sure your business doesn’t fall prey to that same fate by creating a well-prepared plan of action.

An Emergency Ready Plan

The first step in creating that well prepared plan of action? A call to our SERVPRO® to create an Emergency Ready Plan. Our plans can be completely personalized to cover your specific risks and unique situations. That means your business stays in action and starts recovery fast the moment you say “go.”

To create your plan, our team will provide a free assessment of your business in order to create the best path for you and your employees to take during an event. We will walk you through what needs to happen before, during and after a disaster strikes.

When a disaster is predicted to be heading your way, you can activate your plan and start taking steps to protect your business. Your staff will likely be assigned particular tasks in order to prepare paperwork, electronics, remote work protocols and even protect your building against damage. Because your action steps will be well laid-out in your plan, everyone will know what to do with little need for instruction.

Communication will be a key component of your plan in order to ensure consistent connections throughout the duration of the event. A chain of command will be established, which can disseminate the right information at the right time to avoid confusion.

Our team will be communicating with you as well, and as soon as we safely can, we will dispatch a crew to your property to start the recovery process. Meanwhile, your employees can get back to work, whether on site, using a remote work plan or at an alternate location that will be established well before anything takes place.

When you create an Emergency Ready Plan, you are creating a complete package that will meet every need. Our plans are designed to protect the lives of you and your staff while allowing you to continue to move forward with your business. The Emergency Ready Plan comes with our 247 availability and the support network of a national brand. It is our goal to help you reach your goals, which means getting back to work fast.

Ready to create your Emergency Ready Plan for your business? Contact us for your free assessment to start the plan you need.

A Fire-Safe, Jolly Holiday Season | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

pan on kitchen counter in residence ablaze while unattended Fire damage in your home? Not for long with SERVPRO of Tri-County on the case!

It’s the season we all wait for, the holiday season! Whatever holidays you celebrate this time of year, there is bound to be food involved. If you are the personal chef for all your family and friends, make sure you cook safely to prevent a disaster.

The number of house fires increases every year during the holidays, with a large number of them starting in the kitchen. That makes it vital to cook with as many safety measures in place as possible.

Reducing Flammable Materials in the Kitchen

When you head into the kitchen to get the meal started, take a few extra prep steps in order to protect your home. A lot of fires start because there are flammable items too close to heat sources.

Pay attention to where you are tossing towels and pot holders while you cook, and make sure to keep them away from the stove. It only takes a pop of hot grease to get a flame going. Wooden utensils are another item you should use with caution in the kitchen in order to prevent fires.

Think about what you are wearing when you head into the kitchen as well. Things with strings, flowing fabric or dangling material are all a fire hazard. Save the fun holiday sweaters for after the cooking, and keep yourself safe while you prepare the meal.

Keep a Close Eye on Food

The best rule of thumb for staying safe when you cook is to stay close the entire time. Whether you are grilling, baking or frying, flames that start small can grow very quickly. If you are not in the room, your entire kitchen could catch fire before you ever make it back into the room.

If deep-frying a turkey is part of your plans, make sure you handle the process with extra safety. Put the fryer on a level surface, don’t overfill the oil and make sure the kiddos know to stay away.

Your turkey needs to be completely thawed before you get it near the oil. Even a turkey that is only half frozen can cause the oil to pop, and a frozen turkey can cause an explosion.

Install Protective Measures

We know that we can’t stop every fire, but when we take extra precautions, we can greatly cut down the risks. Make sure your home has plenty of safety measures, including smoke detectors on every level of your home and in or near your kitchen. Check the batteries in your detectors regularly, but make it a point to check the batteries in the detector near your kitchen before you start cooking the holiday meal.

You should also have a small fire extinguisher near your kitchen as well. Make sure a few people in your home know how to use it so that quick action can be taken when something does happen. Keep lids in arms reach as well in order to quickly smother any grease fires that pop up.

Make your holiday season a safe one. If you do end up with some fire damage, call us. We can respond to your property fast and handle your restoration. It’s our goal to get your home put back together so that you can get back to your celebrations before the holidays are over.

House fires can happen in the blink of an eye. Contact us for a quick restoration day or night!

How to Handle Strong Winter Storms | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

residential driveway covered in ice with icicles hanging down from the vehicle parked there The winter season is almost upon us! SERVPRO of Tri-County has your back with these helpful tips.

Winter comes with a pretty wide variety of weather. While generally mild, we can never rule out the ice or snowstorm striking and creating a good deal of chaos around our community.

No matter what our Georgia winter brings us, when we are prepared, we can ride out any storm safely. The more we do now, the safer we can keep our home and our family all season long.

Preparing Your Home

Ahead of the storm moving in, the best thing you can do is gather your supplies early in order to stay off of the roads through the majority of the event. Heavy rains, ice and snow can leave the roads slick and make driving anywhere dangerous.

If you haven’t already invested in one, get a weather radio. While this can help you year-round, winter storms commonly knock the power out. Check your other emergency supplies as well so you are ready to spend time indoors over the next few days.

In an emergency kit, you should have batteries, flashlights and plenty of first-aid supplies. If you have a fireplace, gather up wood for burning or make sure your pilot light is on and everything is working well so that you can warm the house up. Gather up blankets and sleeping bags as well. It may be time for a family indoor campout!

If things get really cold long-term, you may need to consider alternate places to stay. Check in with your loved ones before a storm strikes to make sure everyone has a way to stay safe. Warming shelters typically open around the community—keep an eye on local news stations to find a place to go and get warmed up during the day or even overnight.

Taking Care of Your Home After the Storm

Once the storm has moved through the area and you can safely do so, spend some time investigating around your home to look for damage. Even if nothing has happened yet, there are a few things you will want to do to make sure it stays that way.

Give your roof a good inspection, and clear off any debris that may have piled up. If it snowed or there is any ice, make sure your gutters are clear so that it has a good pathway to move away from your home when it melts. Remove any leaves and limbs, and make sure everything is well-connected. Check for wind damage as well and correct anything you find.

Once you know your roof is in good shape, walk around the exterior of your home and make sure the rest of your gutter system looks OK. Remove debris from around your downspouts, and make sure your HVAC unit vents are not blocked. Blocked vents can create a potentially hazardous situation as it can allow carbon monoxide to build up inside your house.

How We Can Help

If you do find damage in your home after a winter storm blows through, call us right away. We are ready to respond night or day, and as soon we take your call we will start assessing all of your needs. Our team will take a look at your entire house and make sure everything is put back to exactly how it should be.

We make it our goal to get your restoration completed completely and quickly so you can get back to enjoying everything winter has to offer.

Our team is always ready for anything! Contact us at SERVPRO of Tri-County for a quick restoration after suffering damage from a winter storm.


1/5/2022 (Permalink)

two SERVPRO techs loading air movers into a van SERVPRO techs are not just highly trained and professional, They are also your neighbor's from Toccoa, Lavonia, Hartwell, Royston and Elberton.

Professional cleaning and restoration services are needed in homes and businesses on a daily basis. Usually, that need is sudden, immediate, and inconvenient.

But, who to trust in those moments of need?

Your local SERVPRO of the Mountains can provide many answers to those needs and questions.

SERVPRO Industries has been serving American since 1967 – over 53 years and counting. During that half century, the company has continually collected and trained its teams with best cleaning and restoration methods available.

SERVPRO Industries maintains an IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) accredited school on its campus in Gallatin, Tennessee. This school trains hundreds of SERVPRO professionals in the many facets of fire, water, and mold damage restoration.

Additionally, the 25 plus SERVPRO offices inside the state of Georgia meet several times each year to share new ideas, tackle challenges and train on the best practices required by the ever-changing needs of the restoration industry.

While skill, training and experience is vital to helping, it is not enough. Service professionals that you invite into your home or business must be honest, trustworthy, and caring.

Your hometown SERVPRO of the Mountains has been locally owned and operated by the Collins family since 1995. It is staffed by caring people who make their homes in beautiful Northeast Georgia. Whether they live in White, Habersham, Banks or Rabun Counties each of our customers are also our neighbors.

That means not only do we bring skill to your restoration needs, but a caring and compassionate attitude to every job as well.

You can rely on SERVPRO of the Mountains to be “Here to Help” when the need for fire, water and mold damage restoration arises in your home or business.

The Rising Financial Costs of Storms

7/26/2021 (Permalink)

a large yellow warning sign stating that there is stormy weather ahead When storms do damage, we go to work to make things right. Contact SERVPRO of Tri-County to start the restoration process.

To say 2020 was “action packed” is an understatement, it was a record-setting year for weather and climate disasters. Of all the years in history for which we have data, 2020 was the most financially destructive.

There were 22 official weather disasters for the year 2020. Disasters are defined as events that cause at least a billion dollars in damages.

This was one of the most active seasons for hurricanes and tropical storms. In fact, the NWS had to refer to the Greek alphabet just to name all of the storms that came our way.

Severe Storms Have a Large Impact

Hurricanes have always been known as one of nature’s most powerful storms, but we are starting to see that severe storms are bringing the same type of damages. In fact, the most expensive disasters of 2020 in the contiguous United States were thunderstorms and tornadoes.

While 2020 brought 22 official weather disasters, 14 of these were severe thunderstorms.

Thunderstorms are so common that people tend to forget the real damage they can do. In a matter of minutes, without warning, they can produce hail, strong winds or even tornadoes.

Just how quickly can thunderstorms turn into dangerous weather events? In eastern Nebraska in August 2020, there seemed to be a typical line of thunderstorms that quickly exploded into something called a derecho (think of something like a tornado, but with straight-line winds instead of swirling ones, combined with a heavy thunderstorm). This potent storm destroyed more than 10 million acres of corn fields, almost half the state’s corn crop—that’s over 11% of the entire country’s corn fields.

Here in Georgia, we see more than our fair share of thunderstorms, most of which bring really strong winds and hail! In 2020, we saw severe weather, including the remnants of Hurricane Sally, Hurricane Delta and Tropical Storm Zeta.

Costs Are Rising

Severe weather is showing to be normal, and the cost of the damages it brings is becoming quite high! 2020 was the 10th consecutive year with at least eight billion-dollar disasters.

During 2018 and 2019, there was a combined total of $136 billion in damages. And the year 2017 set the highest total on record with a total of over $300 billion.

Thunderstorms can quickly turn into more, so as a home or business owner, it’s essential to take whatever precautions are possible to minimize damage to your property.

As we all know, nothing is ever certain, and even with precautions things happen! If you still manage to get a stroke of bad luck, it’s important to know you’ve got a friend in the restoration industry whose goal it is to recover your valued items and restore your property "Like it never even happened."

When storms do damage, we go to work to make things right. Contact SERVPRO today to see how we can help.

Delta Flood Cleanup

4/28/2021 (Permalink)

Flood water in and around homes SERVPRO of Tri County was called out early that morning to assist with flood recovery at over 50 government agencies, churches and local homes.   

The remnants of Hurricane Delta swept through Northeast Georgia during the night of Oct 10 and 11th. It caused extensive local flooding and damage.

Since the Delta deluge that dumped over 8 inches of rain on Habersham Oct. 10-11, people have been trying to dig their way out from under the mud and debris.

Your hometown SERVPRO of Tri County has been right in the thick of recovery efforts since the first hours of the storm.

Habersham was among the hardest-hit counties in the region, sustaining over $5.25 million in damage, according to the latest estimates released by the county.

Demorest was the hardest-hit city, reporting an estimated $1.2 million in damages. Cornelia sustained approximately $635,000 in storm damage and Clarkesville estimated its cost of repairs at around $80,000. Baldwin sustained approximately $45,000 in damage. [Damage assessments were not immediately available for Alto, Mt. Airy, and Tallulah Falls.]

Habersham County Public Information Officer Carolyn McDuffie said, “This is the largest recovery on record.”

Our Commitment to Restoration Instead of Replacement | SERVPRO® of Tri-County

4/28/2021 (Permalink)

“large red diamond shape sign with Natural Disaster written in large black print" Have you sustained property damage and feeling overwhelmed? We are here to help, contact SERVPRO of Tri-County.

Having damage in your home is always a disheartening experience, but if that damage is due to a disaster, the emotional impact can be even more severe as your family works to recover and heal. The recovery process, while necessary, can be difficult to handle as you work to recover emotionally and have your home restored.

We have helped countless families restore in the wake of disasters, so we understand how challenging it can be—and how we can be a resource throughout the process. We approach every job with a restoration-first mindset, meaning we will handle all aspects of restoring your home and belongings to their pre-damage condition instead of simply recommending liquidation of your property.

How Our Customers Benefit From Our Restoration-First Mindset

We can help you save money on your insurance. The specifics of what is covered on your insurance can vary, but many types of damage can be claimed—which is helpful for costly incidents, but can also cause your premium to increase accordingly. Our restoration-first mindset keeps the amount you have to claim on insurance lower, saving you money in the long run by keeping your premium from increasing quite as much.

We can protect your sentimental items. When there is an imminent emergency, keeping your family safe is the most important thing to focus on—even knowing it can be difficult to leave behind irreplaceable items. Fortunately, we have invested in the technology that enables us to save items that are sentimental in value, such as family photographs, heirlooms and art that could never simply be replaced.

We make sure your home feels like home again. After an emergency or disaster, the first time you go home after restoration can feel extremely emotional—but when you work with us, we strive to make these emotions completely positive. We work on every aspect of restoration, including the small, cosmetic touches, so you recognize your house as your home when you walk through the door.

If you have damages and are feeling overwhelmed, we are here to help. You can call us as soon as you need to in order to begin the restoration process. Contact us today to learn more.

Improve the air quality and appeal of your business

11/16/2020 (Permalink)

Clean Carpet with dirty foot prints Clean carpets play an important role in a healthy office. Call the professionals near you, SERVPRO The Mountains.

As companies that service our local communities, we want them to see us at our best. Whether it is for our employees, for prospective customers, or guest, we want to create a welcoming, enjoyable, and safe environment for them.

Commercial carpet adds to the aesthetic and comfort of the places that represent our brand. It is important to keep these surfaces in great condition. Carpet manufacturers often advise on proper maintenance guidelines for their carpets, including vacuuming, spot cleaning, and regular deep cleaning.

Clean carpets are appreciated by those who work there and people who visit. Studies say that clean and well-kept environments increase productivity and boost morale.

Most importantly, clean carpets keep us from getting sick. The Agency of Environmental Protection found that dirty carpets can cause allergens, particle pollution, gases, dander, and dust to get caught in them. Those sometimes-toxic gases and particles can become airborne when walked on or even vacuumed. This can reduce indoor air quality possibly affecting those working and living in that space.

Professional carpet cleaning services remove trapped pollutants and kill bacteria. The IICRC states carpets should be cleaned at least every two years or less. Businesses with increased traffic should be cleaned even more frequently.

SERVPRO professionals can inspect and consult as to which of our 5 quality cleaning methods will restore your carpets to the clean and beautiful condition that we all desire. Steam cleaning, shampooing, steam extraction, bonnet cleaning or rotary extraction are all effective methods to clean soiled carpet.

Contact your hometown SERVPRO today for a free scope and estimate to keep your business or commercial facility sparkling clean for your customers, employees, and guests.

Responding to our First Responders

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

Brick police station with 2 SERVPRO vehicles out front SERVPRO Tri-County and The Mountains converge to respond to Clarkesville's First Responders during Hurricane Delta's performance in Habersham County.

First on the list was helping our first responders at the Clarkesville Fire Department and Demorest Police department. Next was extracting hundreds of gallons of water from the Clarkesville Library.

Private homes and businesses were assisted with the urgent task of removing flood waters. Also critical was quickly removing the muck, cleaning and sanitizing against any pathogens that might have been brought in with the rising water.

Additionally, commercial grade drying equipment was deployed, set in place and monitored daily to optimize the drying efforts of structures to prevent growth of mold or mildew.

Your hometown SERVPRO restoration team was proud to be a small part of the solution to this historic flood.

Thankfully, no one reported any serious injuries in Habersham County as a result of the Hurricane.  Local first responders received national attention when a video of them rescuing people from the rising floodwaters was featured on ABC World News Tonight. Closer to home, people continue to praise their exhaustive, often heroic efforts.

County manager Phil Sutton said, “Habersham County would like to commend all E-911 staff, Sheriff’s Department Law Enforcement staff, Emergency Services staff including fire and emergency medical services, and importantly our Road Maintenance staff for their incredible work in the Hurricane Delta recovery process.”

Things to Consider About Disaster Recovery at Your Business | SERVPRO® Tri-County

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

Office desk with an insurance binder on top SERVPRO Tri-County is near you when any disaster occurs. Get in touch with us to learn more.

There are a lot of decisions that business owners have to make throughout their daily operations, but it is important think about the future, too—especially when it comes to devastating events that are out of your control. Many businesses that face disasters do not recover from their impact, but those who plan ahead tend to fair better in the aftermath.

The safety of your staff is of the utmost importance in the event of a disaster, so you should always first consider your evacuation and emergency procedures in your planning. Once you are confident this is complete, it is time to begin thinking through recovery measures that can help you get your doors reopened quickly.

Planning Out Your Disaster Recovery as a Business Owner

File an insurance claim and begin restoration. There is plenty of variety in commercial insurance coverage, so contacting your insurance company is the only way to know for certain what you will be eligible to claim. After you do this, making sure you contact your restoration company quickly so they can begin getting a response crew together to handle your damage.

Give customers the chance to show their support. It is impossible to know what type of operation you will be able to maintain after a disaster, but regardless of what you choose to do, letting customers know what your plan is will be key for getting their support. You may be doing takeout only, closed temporarily or operating on shortened hours—using social media to announce these changes will ensure that customers can support you when they are able.

Make use of the financial assistance that is offered. Even if you can claim your damages with your insurance provider, there can be many costs that are not covered such as loss of income and excess damages. The disaster loan program through the Small Business Administration is designed to help with this, so see if you qualify for funding options through them to help cover some of these extra expenses.

If your business has been damaged due to a disaster, we’re here to help. Contact us at any hour to report your damage or to learn more about our commercial restoration services.

Who do you call when your Structure is not well?

10/1/2020 (Permalink)

2 inches of standing water throughout the clinic. This clinic in Hartwell, Ga was flooded by a broken water pipe, SERVPRO Tri County removed nearly 200 gallons of water saving untold damage.

Knowing to call the Doctor when you are not feeling well is an obvious step, we have all been taught whether through instruction or experience. The question is then, who do we call when our Home or business is not feeling well? When this small Family clinic opened the doors to get ready for their day, they found nearly 200 gallons of water standing in between them and their patients. Getting all that water out was a top priority in preventing further damage and getting the clinic back on its feet. Your local SERVPRO Tri County received the call and immediately responded, dispatching our local technicians who are always on the go and working hard in the background, many times in the middle of the night to keeping homes and businesses in your community thriving.

Highly Trained

10/1/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo, Certified Our technicians at SERVPRO Tri County are professional, highly trained and certified to handle your Water, Fire, Mold restoration needs.

Smoke, fire, water and mold damage all can devastate structures with unique problems and challenges.

Performing restoration services requires specialized knowledge to return homes and businesses to a safe, clean and odor free condition.

That knowledge starts thru training and deepens with experience. Your hometown SERVPRO of Tri-County provides credentialed and caring technicians to Hart, Franklin, Stephens and Elbert counties. 

SERVPRO industries provides a comprehensive training program which corresponds with the IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) which maintains a series of accredited classroom study for the restoration industry.  These classes are designed to give technicians a firm and workable knowledge with industry standards and starting at a new hires first day that continues throughout their entire career.

SERVPRO Industries has been serving American since 1967 – over 53 years and counting.  During that half century, the company has continually collected and trained its teams with best cleaning and restoration methods available.

Substantial experience for your emergency

10/1/2020 (Permalink)

Group shot of SERVPRO Tri County team SERVPRO Tri County has been privileged to employ some of the most caring and hard working people our towns have to offer.

SERVPRO Industries maintains an IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) accredited school on its campus in Gallatin, Tennessee.  This school trains hundreds of SERVPRO professionals each year in the many facets of fire, water, and mold damage restoration.

IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) maintains a series of accredited classroom study for the restoration industry.  These classes are designed to give technicians a firm and workable knowledge with industry standards.

Your local office, SERVPRO of Tri-County has a staff with well over 100 years of combined on the job experience.

Additionally, we hold over 21 distinct industry recognized certifications through the IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification).

You can rely on your hometown SERVPRO professionals to provide the best in quality restoration and cleanup services.

Substantial and Mobilized Resources

10/1/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO's large loss semi trucks and trailers hauling equipment interstate SERVPRO of Tri-County is locally owned albeit part of a national franchise with substantial resources that can be called in at any time.

We live and make our living right here in Northeast Georgia. Our rural communities allow us the time to enjoy life and our neighbors.

SERVPRO of Tri-County is located in Hart County and is just a few minutes drive from Elbert, Franklin and Stephens Counties. Being right here in the neighborhood means that we can get to emergency jobs quickly and consistently.

But, sometimes the scale and challenge of jobs require more than any hometown team can provide.     Storms can quickly overload any single team with numerous customers needing emergency services immediately.

Large industrial or commercial facilities can suffer smoke, fire or water damage that may require hundreds of skilled workers and thousands of pieces of specialized equipment.

To answer that need, SERVPRO has a network of over 1,700 locations thru out the United States.    There are 24 locations in Georgia alone.

SERVPRO has constructed a system of mutual support from the local franchise all the way the national level.   This allows trained technicians, service teams and literally tractor trailer loads of equipment to respond locally, statewide even across the United States to support communities that are in need.

Whether your home or business suffers a small fire damage, or our community is attacked storm flooding, hurricane or tornado, you rest knowing that SERVPRO is ready for any sized disaster.

Take a Proactive Approach to Protect Your Household From Storm Damage | SERVPRO® of Tri-County

9/28/2020 (Permalink)

large yellow storm warning sign in front of dark forming clouds SERVPRO of Tri-County is here to provide you with a rapid response. Contact us right away if your home has any storm damage.

It is common for thunderstorms to pop up and disperse without much incident, but we want to remind people that any storm has the potential to cause damages—and all it takes is one.

We recommend a proactive approach to severe weather preparedness so you can always have the peace of mind that you have done everything possible to keep your household safer in the face of severe weather.

Keep Your Household Safe in the Face of Severe Weather

Prepare your home as much as possible. Many of the storm damages we get called in for have to do with things impacting the home, whether that be a tree branch, loose patio chair or other projectiles. Trimming trees and securing objects can go a long way in advance of a storm to keeping your household safe—and if you are concerned with comfort in the aftermath, a storm generator is a popular choice to maintain electricity.

Create a family communications plan. When your family is out and about a lot, it may be rare that you are all in the same place—making a communications plan vital for severe weather preparedness. Be sure everyone in the household knows when they should head home or when to stay put if severe weather is called for, and how to check in to let everyone else know that they are safe.

Make sure your emergency kit is stocked. An emergency kit is a great place to start your planning as they are so important to make sure you are never without an essential item during severe weather. Nonperishable foods, water, first aid supplies and light sources should all have a place in your kit, as well as anything your family may need for up to 72 hours. Do not forget food and water for pets, too!

Consider getting a weather radio. Though we are used to relying on our cell phones for all weather alerts, having a more analog system such as a weather radio in your emergency kit is always a good idea. Missing emergency alerts can be extremely dangerous, and if severe weather knocks out cell reception, having a backup method for receiving alerts is so important.

If your home is damaged by a storm, you can depend on us to take care of any damages. Contact us at any hour to report damage and receive a rapid response.

Lead Safe:

9/28/2020 (Permalink)

wall covered in flaking lead paint and a danger sign SERVPRO technicians are trained to know how to identify and remove lead paint.

Prior to 1978, lead was used as an additive to many paints. When that paint is disturbed especially during renovation, repair or painting, that lead can be released in chips or dust.

Lead-based paint was used in more than 38 million homes until it was banned for residential use in 1978.

It is important to follow lead safety protocols when work is being in any pre- 1978 home or building where children live or play.  

Lead can affect children’s brains and developing nervous systems, causing reduced IQ, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems. Lead is also harmful to adults.

Lead in dust is the most common way people are exposed to lead. People can also get lead in their bodies from lead in soil or paint chips. Lead dust is often invisible.

The most common way to get lead in the body is from dust. Lead dust comes from deteriorating lead-based paint and lead-contaminated soil that gets tracked into your home. This dust may accumulate to unsafe levels.

Then, normal hand to-mouth activities, like playing and eating (especially in young children), move that dust from surfaces like floors and window sills into the body.

Home renovation creates dust. Common renovation activities like sanding, cutting, and demolition can create hazardous lead dust and chips.

SERVPRO of Tri-County is a Georgia state certified Lead Safe Firm.   We follow the guidelines of proper demolition, containment, and cleanup processes.

You can rely on your hometown professional to advise and assist you when fire, water or mold damage requires restoration or renovation.

We are close to home

9/28/2020 (Permalink)

Business area of downtown Hartwell We love our small town and are Here to Help our neighbors whenever they might need us.

One of the great things about living in Northeast Georgia is the lack of crowds.   Our rural communities allow us the time to enjoy life and our neighbors.

We all accept the challenge of living in our smaller towns and country addresses means that sometimes supplies and services can be delayed.

Often, we are forced to wait for professional service providers to travel from out of our area.  Sometimes from as far away as Atlanta!

But, if your home or business is stricken with fire, water or mold damage, those qualified professionals live and work right in our community.

SERVPRO of Tri-County is located right in central Hart County and is just a few minutes’ drive from Elbert, Franklin and Stephens Counties.

Because we are your neighbors, we take even more pride, care and concern to ensure that every customer is treated with the highest quality service and professionalism.

Don’t wait for help to come from miles and miles away!   Call your hometown professionals at SERVPRO of Tri-County whenever you are faced with fire, water or mold challenges.

Get out and stay out!

9/1/2020 (Permalink)

Window and sill with a puddle of water seeping in. Even small sources of water can become big problems over time. Call SERVPRO if you suspect water invading your structure.

Water is a life-giving resource that all human beings need.

But that same water can be a destructive force to the structures of our homes and businesses.  They must be protected from unwanted water intrusion at all times.

Many structures here in Northeast Georgia are battling the effects of water seepage, drainage problems or even high humidity.  Homeowners and facility managers should inspect their properties regularly to ensure that rain water is being removed correctly. Water that puddles against any structural surface can eventually penetrate and cause unseen damage.

Long term or repeated water intrusion thru the building envelope can cause seepage into a larger part of the building. This water can be trapped and begin to degrade wood, drywall, carpet and carpet padding. Not only can rot set in but mold growth as well.

The water that we do invite into our property can also be a problem. Pipes that leak, especially slowly, can go undiscovered for months and even years.

This can product rot and mold that are a danger to both the structure and the occupants as well.

Sour smells or musty odors are many times a first indicator of moisture problems. Floors or walls that give or are soft to the touch can also be the result of water intrusion.

Contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Tri-County to perform moisture mapping. Using highly sophisticated moisture meters, we can help you determine both the cause and extent of moisture intrusion at your home or business.

Good Friday Floods of 2019

8/28/2020 (Permalink)

Boy standing waist deep in flood waters, trees surrounding with trucks half under water This boy stands waist deep in amazement of Mother Nature's might. SERVPRO has the tools to help when her power is demonstrated.

On the night of April 18th, 2019 Northeast Georgia experienced lines of heavy thunderstorms that caused massive localized flooding throughout Hart, Franklin and Stephens counties.

Because Good Friday is an important Christian holiday, our local SERVPRO of Tri-County had closed the office and only had a skeleton crew scheduled that day.

About 6:30 am, the phones began to ring as flooded homes and businesses called for help.

In all of our area, rivers were swollen including the Savannah, Tugaloo, Seneca, Chattooga, Tallulah, and the Coleman and of course, the hundreds of creeks and brooks that feed them.  But it was the Oconee, Broad, Middle, North Fork, and South Fork rivers that jumped their banks and flooded area structures.

Emergency teams and volunteers were called in to help desperate home and business owners as they battled the rising waters.

Flood waters can be especially challenging as they also can bring mud, silt and bacteria from unsanitary sources. Quick water extraction and cleaning is vital to prevent mold, mildew and other health problems.

By day's end numerous structures had been extracted and professional grade drying equipment had been deployed.

Many thanks to those SERVPRO professionals who braved the storm water to provide critical help to our neighbors.

Why we never stop learning.

8/28/2020 (Permalink)

Classroom with desks and chalk board that reads, "Education is the key to success". SERVPRO of Tri-County provides restoration services for Fire, Water and Mold events. But did you know that we are educators as well?

Most everyone is familiar with SERVPRO of Tri-County’s commitment to providing restoration services for Fire, Water and Mold events.  But did you know that we are educators as well?

Most people aren’t aware that in addition to their initial licensing, insurance professionals are required by the state of Georgia to attend 10 to 15 hours each year of continuing education. Both insurance agents and insurance adjustors are required to attend these courses each year to maintain their licensing.

Since 1988, SERVPRO of Tri-County has been providing continuing education courses on topics like; Fire, Water and Mold restoration as well as Ethics for our insurance colleagues.

Those classes have been held at both our offices in Hart and Habersham Counties. We also have held courses in Toccoa to give our students an even more convenient location.

When requested, we have also provided these courses in the offices of many of our agents in Elberton, Hartwell, Royston, Cornelia, Clarkesville, Cleveland, and Clayton.

Nick Alzen, Justin Glenn, Nick Freeman and Don Collins have all participated as local instructors which requires us to attend and complete the state of Georgia's mandated training as well.

These classes have given a great opportunity to examine, discuss and make plans to better serve the insureds that our clients help when they have claim events.

We are your Hometown Team!

8/28/2020 (Permalink)

Logo, silhouette of a house with "the hometown team" written in front. Your hometown SERVPRO of Tri-County has been locally owned and operated by the Collins family since 1988.

Professional cleaning and restoration services are needed in homes and businesses on a daily basis. Usually, that need is sudden, immediate, and inconvenient.

But, who to trust in those moments of need?

We all want the best and most up to date training and equipment. It is critical that a restoration company stay current on new trends, machines, cleaning products and resources available.

But all those resources are inadequate if the personnel on site don’t care about the customer. It is critical that your service professionals are compassionate and engaged in find the best solutions for your disaster recovery needs.

Your local SERVPRO of Tri-County has a staff with well over 100 years of combined experience.

Your hometown SERVPRO of Tri-County has been locally owned and operated by the Collins family since 1988. It is staffed by caring people who make their homes in beautiful Northeast Georgia.

Whether they live in Hart, Stephens, Franklin or Elbert Counties each of our customers are also our neighbors. All of our staff live in your neighborhood. They attend church, send their kids to school and shop in the same community that you do. 

That local engagement further strengthens our resolve to help our neighbors in the most effective, compassionate, and caring manor.

Call us whenever disaster strikes your home or business.


What are your neighbors saying?

8/28/2020 (Permalink)

logo of three houses together with the word, "neighbors" written up front We understand that we are not just going to a job site, rather we have been trusted and invited into a person’s home.

SERVPRO Industries has been serving America since 1967 – over 53 years and counting.  During that half century, the company has continually collected and trained its teams with the best cleaning and restoration methods available.

While skill, training and experience is vital to helping, it is not enough. Service professionals that you invite into your home or business must be honest, trustworthy, and caring.

Anyone can toot their own horn and say that they offer the best in high quality service. They can say that their people are professional, caring and compassionate.

But the real test is what do their customer’s say about them?

You can see our reviews on Google, Facebook and Yelp. Plus, we also have over 100 customer reviews on this website.

The reviews paint the picture of the kind of employees that we are proud and blessed to have represent us. Words like caring, professional, and quality are descriptions about our staff that are frequently peppered throughout these reviews.

So many of our reviews confirm not only the competence of our team but the respect and care that they show each of our customers.

We understand that we are not just going to a job site, rather we have been trusted and invited into a person’s home.  Usually to help with a water, fire or mold damage that has disrupted their home, their family and their peace.

The compassion of our SERVPRO team is a key ingredient to helping our customers return their home and businesses to being “Like it never even happened.” 

Flooding/Rising Water

8/28/2020 (Permalink)

A home's basement flooded with muddy, silty water If you have experienced water loss, contact SERVPRO of Tri-County for consultation on restoration services.

The mountains and hills of beautiful Northeast Georgia provide tremendous beauty. They also are a natural inhibitor to flooding. Because of the steep and rocky slopes, rain water is typically, quickly shed and moves safely downstream.

Unlike other parts of America that are low lying with flat rivers and large flood plains, our part of Georgia is somewhat sheltered from large scale flooding.

However, that doesn’t mean we are totally immune. Localized flooding of creeks and rivers can and still do occur.

Heavy and sudden thunderstorms can quickly over-whelm gutters, drains and grading causing flood waters to intrude into our homes and businesses. Even if your home is the only home on the street to experience rising water, the impact and disruption can be dramatic.

Flood waters can be especially challenging as they also can bring mud, silt and bacteria from unsanitary sources. Quick water extraction and cleaning is vital to prevent mold, mildew and other health problems.

Fast water removal is first on the list of urgent steps. SERVPRO truck mounted and portable extraction machines can quickly pump out and remove the water. Extraction is 1200 times more effective than surface evaporation only.

Removal of damaged building materials such as carpet, pad and drywall should also be done quickly to speed drying and prevent mold.

Cleaning of all affected surfaces with products approved by the EPA is recommended to remove any pollutants or contaminates that the ground water might have brought in with it.

If you have experienced loss from rising water, contact SERVPRO of Tri-County for consultation on partial or total restoration services.

Ask not for who the pipe drips….

8/28/2020 (Permalink)

copper pipe cracked and leaking water onto drywall SERVPRO of Tri-County uses highly sophisticated moisture meters to help you determine both the cause and extent of your water loss.

Water is a life-giving resource that all human beings need.

But that same water can be a devastating force to the structures of our homes and businesses. They must be protected from unwanted water intrusion at all times.

The water that we do invite into our homes can also be a problem. Pipes that leak, especially slowly, can go undiscovered for months and even years.

When a pipe leak is slow enough, the water can be absorbed into the surrounding structure. No puddles or standing water may be noticed. Water can also flow down into the crawlspace, further hiding it from view or quick discovery.

Common problem zones are under sinks, especially inside of cabinets. The toilet seal at its base should be inspected and replaced every 5 years or less. HVAC drain pans often clog and can slowly back up and release water.

Long term seepage can produce rot and mold that are a danger to both the structure and the occupants as well.

Sour smells or musty odors are many times a first indicator of moisture problems. Floors or walls that darken, curl, give or are soft to the touch can also be the result of water intrusion.

Make a plan to inspect your plumbing at least annually to catch these leaks before they do significant damage. Most insurance policies exclude these types of leak as covered events so timely capture is even more critical.

Contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Tri-County to perform moisture mapping by using highly sophisticated moisture meters, we can help you determine both the cause and extent of moisture intrusion at your home or business.

A little soot goes a long way

8/28/2020 (Permalink)

Dryer vent pipe protruding from a rooftop, covered in soot from a fire. Call your friendly neighborhood SERVPRO professional for a quick, FREE and thorough fire damage consultation.

Modern smoke and fire alarms are great life saving devices that alert us to this threat. Homes and businesses should all be equipped with fire alerts, extinguishing and escape equipment.

Our local volunteer firefighters are the last line of defense. These amazing neighbors of ours respond at any time day or night to quickly extinguish the flames.

Because of these valuable tools and people, the incidents of total fire loss have declined over the years in proportion to the number of structure fires.

However, a small fire can still be a huge problem.  

As the fire burns, it discharges soot in the smoke and vapor column that it produces. Soot is the residue of the ignited material that wasn’t converted into heat or vapor.

That sooty residue amplifies the qualities of the material burned.

Natural materials that God made like wood tend to burn more completely.  It produces grey ash that is  “cleaner”.   The soot residue is more powdery and generally is more easily removed.

Man-made materials such as plastic, rubber and artificial fibers generally include varying amounts of petroleum bases. Those materials will burn more slowly and are less consumed.

The resulting soot is oily, greasy and smears when touched. This type of soot is much harder to remove.

Special products, tools, and supplies are required to properly clean and remove this soot.

Should you experience the trauma of a fire at your home, try to refrain from cleaning. Improper methods can actually “set” the soot and staining in surfaces.

Call your friendly neighborhood SERVPRO professional for a quick, FREE and thorough fire damage consultation. We can assist with determining what can be cleaned, what methods to use and what results to expect.

Call today!

We all get cleaned up for the first day of school

8/28/2020 (Permalink)

1st day of school is written, designed by different objects relating to a classroom. SERVPRO of Tri-County is always extremely proud helping our schools get ready. Fresh cleaned carpets help safely welcome back our kids to their class.

Everyone likes to put on their best new school clothes for that first day of classes – including the schools themselves.

Throughout the summer months, our area schools and colleges are busy painting, replacing, and cleaning.   Furniture is restored or replaced, equipment upgraded, walls painted and of course carpets and other flooring cleaned.

Despite a carefully planned and coordinated to-do list, delays and setbacks always occur. The final week before students return always gets hectic as everyone is speeding to get their tasks done in time.

Of course, the last thing to be done before school opens is to clean the carpets.

Carpet cleaning can really improve the indoor air quality and the health of the occupants. Professional cleaning can remove the dust, dander and other pollutants that dirty carpet can release.

In the age of Covid, it is even more important to remove these debris that can harbor germs and bacteria. The cleaning detergents and hot water rinse can help bring the carpet to its best appearance and condition.

SERVPRO of Tri-County is always extremely proud helping our schools get ready. Fresh cleaned carpets help safely welcome back our kids to their classrooms.

So, on that first day of school, we are looking and feeling our best.

Dirt is no respecter of churches

8/28/2020 (Permalink)

Traditional steeple church on beautiful garden grounds Your Hometown Professionals at SERVPRO of Tri-County are ready to help wash away those sins!

Every commercial facility needs to be in top condition to welcome the public. Churches are no exception to that rule.

Churches are a focal point of our lives here in Northeast Georgia. So many of us attend and participate in the life our local fellowship.

And with life, comes some messes! Our church carpets are the first to feel those messes.

Who does love dinner on the grounds? We all do! But some of that dinner always ends up on the ground! The delicious food and drinks are a delight, but every event seems to leave its mark on our floors.

Of course, the kids must be released into the wild or they will explode.  And they are going to bring that soil and dirt from the outside to the inside.

The men will eventually schedule a workday or a barbeque. That is going to punish the floors and carpet more than anything else. Talk about the unwashed masses….

But our favorite place of Worship doesn’t have to suffer in silence.

Your Hometown Professionals at SERVPRO of Tri-County are ready to help wash away those sins!

Our trained and certified technicians can evaluate and consult with your facility director to provide the best solution of our 5 top grade cleaning methods to restore your carpets and floors to a heavenly state.

Call today for a free on-site evaluation!

Why a grease fire can be a real stinker

8/26/2020 (Permalink)

Pan burning on the stove top Anyone familiar with the kitchen knows the potential for grease fires and the odors left behind. SERVPRO is "Here to Help"

It was just a small grease fire that never got off the kitchen stove. But the odor was overpowering thru ought the entire home.

Even if the fire itself did little or no damage, its the smoke and vapors that could create a lasting problem.

When food items are cooked long enough, the proteins can be released into the escaping smoke and vapor. This creates a sticky film that can get on all surfaces.

This situation is referred to as a “Protein Damage”

The laws of physics can increase the challenge of a small fire. Science teaches that hot air rises and that temperatures will equalize in a confined space.  

As any fire burns, it will put off smoke, vapor and gases. All of which will be driven upwards and outwards from the fire itself. That hot air can also carry an amazing amount of protein film with it.

The damaging smoke can travel and will eventually fill the structure completely until finally escaping thru leaks around doors, windows or the attic.

That hot air will continue to move away from the fire source seeking to equalize with the cooler air. Of course, it will carry the smoke, gases and soot with it.     

As the hot air cools and loses it’s energy, it will begin to drop those vapors and soot on surfaces

Protein soot can be nearly invisible but very sticky. It can be very difficult to remove and all surfaces must be addressed including the underside and insides of furnishings and other contents.

Professionally restoring a home requires source removal of all soot, grease and other films on all surfaces as a first step. Deodorization of the air space including unseen cracks and crevices must be done as well. Finally, all fabrics including carpets, upholstery and drapery must be thoroughly cleaned.

The professionals at your hometown SERVPRO of Tri-County can assist with restoring your home or business with total cleaning and restoration.    Call today for a free consultation and quote. throughout the structure.  

Why a small fire is still a big problem

8/26/2020 (Permalink)

Smoldering fire Even small fires can cause BIG problems, SERVPRO is "Here to Help"

It was just a small grease fire that never got off the kitchen stove. Or maybe the space heater was too close to the trashcan and set some papers on fire but quickly went out.

Even if the fire itself did little or no damage, its the smoke and vapors that could create a lasting problem.

We all know from grade school science that hot air rises and that temperatures will equalize in a confined space. Both of those laws of physics can increase the challenge of a small fire.

As any fire burns, it will put off smoke, vapor and gases. All of which will be driven upwards and outwards from the fire itself. That hot air can also carry an amazing amount of soot with it.

The damaging smoke can travel and will eventually fill the structure completely until finally escaping thru leaks around doors, windows or the attic.

As the areas closest the fire heat up, smoke and vapor can be driven into cracks and crevices. It the temperature of the ceilings and wall increase to a certain point, the pores of those surfaces can expand allowing the smoke to penetrate directly.

That hot air will continue to move away from the fire source seeking to equalize with the cooler air. Of course, it will carry the smoke, gases and soot with it.     

As the air loses it’s energy, it will begin to drop those vapors and soot on surfaces throughout the structure.

Now the soot, odor and vapor residue has been spread throughout the building including places that can’t be accessed by hand.

Professionally restoring a home or business after damage can be quite involved even when the fire itself was small.

A source removal of all soot, grease and other films on all surfaces must be completed as a first step. Deodorization of the air space including unseen cracks and crevices must be done as well. Finally, all fabrics including carpets, upholstery and drapery must be thoroughly cleaned.

The professionals at your hometown SERVPRO of Tri-County can assist with restoring your home or business with total cleaning and restoration.    Call today for a free consultation and quote.

Historic Hart County Church Fire

8/26/2020 (Permalink)

Large brick church Sardis Baptist Church has a beautiful campus just north of Hartwell near the dam.

SERVPRO of Tri-County recently completed a fire and smoke damage cleanup for Sardis Baptist Church in Hart County just north of Hartwell, Georgia. The campus overlooks beautiful Lake Hartwell near the Big Oaks State Park.

This church family has been serving the local community since the late 1800s. Members and visitors hail from neighboring Elbert, Franklin, and Anderson counties as well. The historic church is in its fifth sanctuary building.

Just a few days before Christmas, a candle reignited after evening service. Thankfully, a family camping nearby at Watsadler State Park had stopped in the church parking lot.They noticed the flickering fire through the stained-glass window and called 911.

Volunteer firefighters from Hart County Station 1 and the Bio Volunteer Fire station responded quickly and saved the sanctuary from total loss.

While structural damage was contained to the one window and adjoining wall, smoke and odor had heavily impacted the entire sanctuary. SERVPRO of Tri-County was chosen to remove the soot and odor.  

Church sanctuaries present unique challenges when cleaning and restoring. 25 foot high ceilings, recessed light, speakers, projectors and chandeliers were difficult to access. Additionally, over 100 pews had to be detached, cleaned, deodorized, and reset. Every wall and surface had to be cleaned and deodorized by hand.

The entire project took several weeks but in February, the congregation was able to return to its normal schedule of worship and its mission to serve the community.

Historic Microburst Storm is small but dangerous

8/25/2020 (Permalink)

News Paper Header for the Hartwell Sun Hartwell Sun circle logo

Storm ravages Hart County during the night of April 6, 2017.  By Michael Isom Staff writer

“The worst storm damage was out there by Cateechee (Golf Club) or out there on Bowman Highway next to the Ag Center,” said Hart County Sheriff Mike Cleveland The sheriff’s department started getting phone calls from Hart County residents when the storm began.

James Fulghum lives on Bowman Highway near the Agriscience Center and was awoken by the storm. “I don’t get scared that often, but I have to admit that really scared me,” said Fulghum.

 Lynne Adams had a similar experience at her Ross Road home. “I have lived in this house nearly 30 years, and haven’t, until now, heard a hailstorm like this here,” she said. “I seriously thought the windows might break.”

According to Ed Hoy, supervisor of system operations with Hart EMC, over 1,500 members were without power at the height of the storm.

The biggest concentration of incidents were reported in the Liberty Hill and Sardis areas. “Enough praise cannot be given to the (Hart County) Fire Department and the volunteers and the (Hart County) Road Department. They were actually the hands-on chain saws, tractors, and whatever was needed to get the job done,” Cleveland said. “It was just amazing the amount of huge trees in the road. We aren’t talking about one tree. We are talking about multiple trees.”

Excerpts from the Hartwell Sun Newspaper, April 13th, 2017

Thankfully, there were no storm related injuries reported.

Literally, hundreds of trees were knocked down in a straight-line wind shear that damaged over 100 home and businesses. 

Storms like this are becoming more frequent this decade and their damage can be severe.

Emergency crews from SERVPRO of Tri-County & SERVPRO of the Mountains were on the scene early that morning assisting people with water removal, debris cleanup and property restoration. 

Improve the living quality of your business or commercial space

8/25/2020 (Permalink)

Dirty shoes walking on clean carpet Clean carpets play an important role in a healthy office.

As commercial enterprises, we are inviting the public into our building.  We want to create the most appealing, comfortable, and safe environment for them.

Commercial carpet adds to the beauty and comfort of places of business.   It is critical that these surfaces be properly maintained.  The carpet manufacturers usually provide cleaning guidelines for their carpets, including vacuuming, spot cleaning and of course regular professional cleaning.

Of course, clean carpet is more appealing to occupants and visitors.    Studies show that clean and orderly environments can boost mood and productivity.

But carpet cleaning can also improve our health.  Carpet cleaning reduces the noise and dust caused by pedestrians and equipment. 

According to research done by the Environmental Protection Agency, dirty carpets can retain several sources of allergens, particle pollution, gas, dander, and dust. This can cause toxic airborne gases to adhere to them and get caught up in the fabric.

These toxic gases can then be released by walking across the carpet or daily activities such as vacuuming which can reduce indoor air quality.  Professional carpet cleaning services can not only kill the bacteria but also remove those trapped pollutants that can affect your health.

The IICRC states that carpets should be professionally cleaned every two years or less depending on the amount of soiling.   Since businesses have increased foot traffic, this frequency could be quarterly or even monthly. 

Professional carpet cleaning can remove those soils that do invade.   Steam cleaning, shampooing, steam extraction, bonnet cleaning or rotary extraction are all effective methods to clean carpeting that has become dirty.

SERVPRO professionals can inspect and consult as to which of our 5 quality cleaning methods will restore your carpets to the clean and beautiful results that we all desire.

Contact your hometown SERVPRO today for a free consultation and quote to keep your business or commercial facility sparkling clean for your customers, employees, and guests.

What is a Microburst Storm?

8/25/2020 (Permalink)

lightning in a dark sky over a city Micro burst storms come and go at random, SERVPRO is Here to Help

The National Weather Service defines a microburst as a localized column of sinking air (downdraft) within a thunderstorm and is usually less than or equal to 2.5 miles in diameter.

Microbursts can cause extensive damage at the surface, and in some instances, can be life-threatening. There are two primary types of microbursts: 1) wet microbursts and 2) dry microbursts. Wet microbursts are accompanied by significant precipitation and are common in the Southeast during the summer months.

During the past few years, Northeast Georgia has experienced an increase of annual rainfall.  This has contributed to the more frequent occurrence of late day or nighttime thunder cells and storms.

Because these storms are so small and manifest so quickly, they can often be overlooked by local or national news reports.  Yet the damage to homes and businesses while localized can be very severe.

Wind speeds in microbursts can reach up to 100 mph, or even higher, which is equivalent to an EF-1 tornado! Winds this high can cause major damage to homes and other structures and level hundreds of trees. It is very important that you take Severe Thunderstorm Warnings just as seriously as Tornado Warnings!

Be sure to take shelter to protect your family and loved ones.   But, after the storm has passed, you can call SERVPRO to help repair whatever might have been damaged.

Because each SERVPRO is individually owned and locally operated, we are typically just a few minutes away from where these events occur.

Whatever is needed to clean, dry, repair or restore a damaged structure can be coordinated thru your local SERVPRO team.  

We remain “Here to Help.”

Cleaning North Georgia Red Clay out of Carpet

8/17/2020 (Permalink)

Dirt road leading to mountain scenery There is no argument over the beauty of the North Georgia Mountains and every beauty has its price, We pay by the clay load.

Ah, the red hills of Georgia.  We live in a one of America’s most beautiful places, the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.    That brilliant Georgia red clay adds to the striking scenery.

With that beauty comes some challenges in keeping our homes clean.  Namely keeping that Georgia red clay on the outside.  Kids, pets and even careless husbands can quickly track that red clay onto our floors and carpeting.

Red clay is bright colored and its tiny insoluble particles can work their way into the weave or knit of any fabric.  Carpet and rugs are even more vulnerable as the weight of a footstep can grind soil deeper.

The first line of defense is walk off areas.  The IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) states that it can take up to 23 ½ steps to completely clean the bottom of someone shoes.

Installing a welcome mat outside and again inside the door gives each guest a place to clean their feet prior to entering.

Frequent vacuuming when carpets are dry are also critical to keeping soils from getting ground into each fiber.   The IICRC states that over 80% of dry soils can be removed thru proper vacuuming.

Some spot cleaning may be appropriate over time.  See our blog “Out Spot out!” for more specific information.

Lastly, all carpets should be professionally cleaned every two years or less depending on the amount of soiling.  

Your SERVPRO professional can recommend the best of our 5 quality cleaning methods to remove that pesky Georgia red clay from your carpets today.

How to keep Carpets Clean while Lake Living

8/17/2020 (Permalink)

photo of lake from dock point of view, mountains in the background As much as I love the energy the lake provides, I prefer to keep the soil on the shore.

Many of us are blessed to live on or near some of the most beautiful lakes in America.   Our corner of Northeast Georgia boasts so many great places to enjoy the water, sun and nature.   We have Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell, Lake Burton, Lake Yonah, Lake Tugaloo, Lake Rabun, Tate Lake, Tallulah Falls Lake, and Thurmond Lake and list continues.

Whether we enjoy a lake view from our back porch or just visit for the day, we can end up bringing the lake inside with us.   Pets, kids, and even absent-minded husbands can all track in the sand, mud and or even fish residue that we would rather stay outside.

The first line of defense is walk off areas.  The IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) states that it can take up to 23 ½ steps to completely clean the bottom of someone shoes.

Installing a welcome mat outside gives each guest a place to clean their feet prior to entering.   A second walk off run inside the door will give additional help.

Frequent vacuuming when carpets are dry are also critical to keeping soils from getting ground into each fiber.   This is a most cost-effective way to extend the life and beauty of carpeting.

Some spot cleaning may be appropriate over time.  See our blog “Out Spot out!” for more specific information.

The IICRC states that carpets should be professionally cleaned every two years or less depending on the amount of soiling.   When living close to high activity areas like we do, that frequency may increase.

Finally, professional carpet cleaning can remove those soils that do invade.   Steam cleaning, shampooing, steam extraction, bonnet cleaning or rotary extraction are all effective methods to clean carpeting that has become dirty.

SERVPRO professionals can inspect and consult as to which of our 5 quality cleaning methods will restore your carpets to the clean and beautiful results that we all desire.

Enjoy the lake… but keep these tips in mind to keep your carpets fresh and clean!

A river flows through it… now how to keep your carpets clean!

8/17/2020 (Permalink)

Wooded Scene with river flowing over rocks If you haven't made time to explore any of the many rivers in North East Georgia I'd highly recommend it, just be aware it is hard to go only once.

Our section of Northeast Georgia has some of the most scenic rivers in America.   We can within minutes be on the river and lost in the grandeur of creation.   Whether fishing, kayaking, tubing or just splashing under a waterfall, our rivers have much fun to offer.

The rivers that flow through us include the Savannah, Tugaloo, Seneca, Oconee, Broad, Middle, North Fork, South Fork, Chattooga, Tallulah, and the Coleman.   And of course, the hundreds of creeks and brooks that feed them.

Yet at the end of the day, we want that beauty to stay outside.  Kids, pets and all the fun gear can quickly track in mud, sand, grit and who know what onto our floors and carpets.

The tiny insoluble particles of outdoor soils can work their way into the weave or knit of any fabric.  Carpet and rugs are even more vulnerable as the weight of a footstep can grind soil deeper.

The first line of defense is walk off areas.  A large welcome mat outside and a small area rug on inside the door gives each guest a place to clean their feet prior to entering.

When carpets are dry, regular vacuuming will help keep soils from penetrating the carpet fibers.   The IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) states that over 80% of dry soils can be removed thru proper vacuuming.

Some spot cleaning may be appropriate over time.  See our blog “Out Spot out!” for more specific information.

The IICRC states that all carpets should be professionally cleaned every two years or less depending on the amount of soiling.   Steam cleaning, shampooing, steam extraction, bonnet cleaning or rotary extraction are all effective methods to clean carpeting that has become dirty.

Your SERVPRO professional can recommend the best of our 5 quality cleaning methods to keep your carpets staying fresh and clean.

Enjoy the river and follow these cleaning tips to keep the outside where it belongs.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned – a defensive cleaning program

6/15/2020 (Permalink)

Table tent signs describing the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program on top of a wooden table. Our defensive cleaning program gives your business a way forward by providing your employees and customers ongoing safety and assuredness.

Let us help you get back to business

As our communities re-open, we’re all moving back toward a new kind of normal. The expectations of visitors, customers, and employees who come into our establishments have evolved, and staying safe and well is a top concern. The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed what it means to be clean, and we’ve developed a program to help your business meet the new higher standard of clean that is now expected.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned is a defensive cleaning program we’re offering to businesses and commercial locations to address the current COVID-19 pandemic. This proactive viral pathogen cleaning program goes well beyond janitorial or carpet cleaning. By choosing Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you, your employees, your customers, and your community can rest assured that you’ve selected a higher cleaning standard – you are Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

Extensive training and specialized products

As the #1 choice in cleanup and restoration*, we stand on more than 50 years of experience and expertise to help your business become Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.  Beyond fire & water, SERVPRO professionals are trained and experienced in biohazard decontamination and chemical spills – always adhering to the cleaning and decontamination standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities. 

From formulating and creating our proprietary cleaning products, like SERVPROXIDE, at our headquarters in Gallatin, TN, to taking the utmost care while disinfecting, we will ensure you and your business are set up to inspire consumer confidence as the economy continues to reopen.

3 C’s – Consult, Clean, and Certify

When the stakes are this high, you want a partner who has developed an industry leading, proprietary training program, cleaning solutions, and remediation processes over decades. We’ve cleaned up some of the most challenging biohazards imaginable. Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned reflects our unique experiences and capabilities. The program is grounded with our unique 3 C’s: Consult, Clean, and Certify.

  • Consult – Every business is different, which is why you’ll be assigned a Cleaning Protocol Consultant who understands your business and will create a cleaning program to meet your specific needs. This program will be developed based on your business type, size of space, amount of high frequency touchpoints, foot traffic and congestion points.
  • Clean – Based on your specific business needs, your location will undergo a thorough, deep clean, using exclusive cleaning products, according to protocols set forth by the CDC. Our employees have years of experience, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform. Cleanup procedures generally include cleaning of porous and non-porous surfaces, disinfecting of non-porous surfaces, cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, tools, and/or supplies used for cleanup process, and disposal of hazardous materials.  In the event of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 event, we will be there cleaning within 24 hours to ensure you get back to business as quickly as possible. 
  • Certify - Once your business location has been Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you will gain access to proprietary signage, digital emblems, and other collateral that communicates that you’ve selected a higher standard of clean available to help protect your employees and customers. And because we add the day, month, and year to that proprietary stamp of clean, your guests will know that not only did you choose Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned,but that your location is being cleaned regularly at this standard.

Call today for a Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation

We’re Here to Help – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – until life is back to normal in the communities we all call home.

Call SERVPRO of Tri-County today at  706-245-7109 for your Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation.

* #1 Choice in cleanup & restoration based Commercial Attitude & Usage Tracking study. Polling 816 commercial business decision makers on first choice for future needs related to cleanup & restoration work. Study conducted by C&R Research: October 2019

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned means professionally trained SERVPRO franchises perform the requested cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection services according to proprietary SERVPRO protocols and recognized industry and CDC standards with EPA approved cleaning products to deliver a SERVPRO certified cleaning experience.  Each SERVPRO franchise is independently owned and operated.

You Should Prepare for Safety Before the Weather Is Forecast | SERVPRO® of Tri-County

6/11/2020 (Permalink)

person on a tablet using weather alert app When storm activity caused damage to your home, SERVPRO of Tri-County will respond quickly to assist in any repairs.

Thunderstorms, flooding and other types of severe weather can be very frightening and can inflict serious trauma to anything in its path. While many fly over without notice during warmer seasons, every event has the potential to sharply increase and cause severe damage so, everyone should plan ahead and make preparations then stay alert when the weather is forecast.

Measures you can take but are not limited to; dedicated flashlights in staged areas, having a  panic room or shelter ready(i.e. the more comfortable the shelter is the more likely you are to go before danger arrives), if you do not have a shelter..knowing the safest place to take cover in your home is essential, noting areas without windows or exterior walls, subscribing to weather monitoring providers. 

Following weather notifications will give you access to clear and direct information from local weather professionals. Weather changes quickly so staying connected and knowing the alerts are very important. If an alert says, “SEVERE WEATHER WATCH” you should know that means conditions could develop into a severe event and it is recommended to stay tuned into weather alerts for updates, any lingering preparations should be made. If the alert says, “SEVERE WEATHER WARNING” means the storm has been confirmed and you should immediately seek shelter.  

There are innumerable reasons to have an emergency kit however, severe weather is usually what drives people to own one. If you are purchasing a pre made kit or assembling one of your own be sure to include everything to treat traumas and stay comfortably if it takes a while for help to arrive. Flashlights, water, food, and Obtaining a weather radio are recommended. Store this kit in your shelter or safe area and protect it from damage or intrusion.

If your home has been impacted by storm damage, we are here for you. You can contact us 247 to get a quick response to your home’s damages.

Closer to your Water Damage Event

4/28/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO makes water damage like it never eve happened. SERVPRO of Tri-County provides 24 hour fire and water damage restoration service in and between Hartwell, Elberton, Royston, Lavonia and Carnesville.

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Tri-County provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO of Tri-County arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – 706-245-7109

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO of Tri-County

SERVPRO of Tri-County has been established in the local area since 1988, our services specialize in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property caused by fire, smoke and/or water damage. Our staff are all locals and are highly trained in property damage restoration, they carry certifications from the IICRC and are further educated at SERVPRO Head Quarters training facility in Gallatin, Tn. Rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge, technology to restore your property.

Utilizing Strategic Planning to Prepare Your Business for an Emergency | SERVPRO® of Tri-County

4/23/2020 (Permalink)

office furniture and supplies submerged under water in an office room Let SERVPRO of Tri-County help your business plan ahead to reduce down time your company might face after a disaster

Knowing the potential of future risks you might face as a business owner will help you stay ahead of the curve for whatever comes your way—including a natural disaster.

There has never been a proven method to guarantee you will not be impacted by a loss. However, you can improve your chances and lessen that impact by prioritizing your own preparedness. By planning ahead, you can be proactive against something out of our control.

There is definitely a long list to consider regarding disaster preparations, to be more manageable we recommend categorizing into three starting objectives. That way, you know your recovery foundation is solid and you have protection for your business and your investment.

Your Commercial Insurance Coverage

Having the right type and amounts of coverage is essential, but especially in the event of a natural disaster. There are more than a few commercial policies that do not provide quality disaster coverage. To lower premiums some policies create gaps or specific exclusions to certain scenarios that would prevent coverage if you try to file, so it is really important to know your policy verbiage and what is covered.

Your Emergency Plan and Supply Kit

The ability to evacuate a structure quickly in the event of disaster is a great way to be proactive and ensure the safety of you and your colleagues. There should always be an evacuation plan in place, posted and so everyone understands what to do that plan should be routinely rehearsed. Another useful tip to pack an emergency kit for you and your co-workers, stocked with enough supplies to maintain until help arrives.

Your Plan for Restoration and Recovery

Planning now for future restoration and recovery can be the most important factor in how quickly you are able resume productivity. On top of that list is the ability to set the restoration plan in motion quickly, which is it is recommend start a relationship with a restoration vendor in advance so that you know exactly who to call. It would be wise to look over the disaster assistance loans offered by the Small Business Administration as they are known to provide extra, low-interest funds for the recovery process.

If your business has been impacted by a disaster, you can contact us 247 for guidance on how to begin the commercial restoration process.

Storm season

4/17/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO logo, here to help SERVPRO of Tri-County is Here to Help after the storm.

As early storm season falls upon us, many as myself prepare for the untimely and not so friendly visit of dangerous weather. While home owners sweep out webs and dust from storm shelters, replace batteries in flashlights and smoke detectors. SERVPRO techs will be strategically positioning response vehicles, equipment and PPE. Trained and ready, when bad weather hits and while the community emerges from safety to assess damage and check on loved ones. SERVPRO techs will be lacing up boots and getting ready respond to homes and businesses in need. 

If your home or business experiences a loss/damage caused by a recent storm, or you need any of our core cleaning and sanitization services, give us a call at 706-245-7109. We are here and ready to serve. 

School slogan captures the heart of a Nation

4/13/2020 (Permalink)

School logo, one hart beat School slogan captures the heart of a Nation.

"I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death."  – Thomas Paine

It has always been said that during times of great stress, as with the COVID-19 pandemic, we will find ourselves faced head on with opportunity to refine, better put as Duke Ellington had said, “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.”

To further understand this quote look to the actions of one of our locals from Hartwell, GA. Hartwell is known in part for its school's slogan 'One Hart Beat' and as evidenced from the actions of its community they do believe “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Click the link to see his story https://www.thehartwellsun.com/local/free-pizza-produces-smiles

We are Local Cleaning Experts

4/8/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO house logo, lettering - here to help Our Training and experience with biological contaminants puts SERVPRO in the right position to do what we love.. Help.

Your local SERVPRO is Here to Help

During times of uncertainty brought about by the outbreak of coronavirus, we would like to remind our community that we specialize in hazardous materials, and we follow the highest cleaning and sanitation standards in the Nation.

Highly Trained Team & Advanced Technology

We are uniquely positioned disinfect your property, following the protocols written and updated by the Center for Disease Control. Along side we have generations of experience in dealing with hazardous contaminants, and because of SERVPRO's training and use of advanced technology are able surpass the scope of work that regular janitorial staff are generally able to perform.

The CDC guidance in disinfecting high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and tables. The areas mentioned for commercial spaces:

  • Food Court and Prep Areas
  • Restrooms
  • Schools/Classrooms
  • Offices/Cubical space
  • Retail Spaces
  • Water Fountains/Faucets
  • Shelving
  • Storage/Display Racks
  • Sales Counters
  • Carpets and Rugs
  • Stairs and Handrails
  • Elevators
  • Playground/Fitness Equipment

Specialized Products

The CDC recommends a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant that lists the killing of other, similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Several products already in use by SERVPRO carry the EPA-approved claims. Understanding that no product has been tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are continuously updating and adhering to all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local authorities.

Please call for for scheduling or for information regarding Proactive Cleaning

We are Here to Help – SERVPRO of Tri-County, 706-245-7109




Doctor's office in Hartwell Ga calls in sick

10/15/2019 (Permalink)

2 inches of standing water throughout the clinic This clinic was flooded by a broken pipe, SERVPRO removed nearly 200 gallons of water.

We all know to call the doctor when we are sick but, when your Doctor's office gets sick who does it call? The local SERVPRO of course, who is working hard in the back ground to keep businesses in your community open and ready to serve you. This Family clinic in Hartwell Ga opened its doors Monday morning to get ready for their schedule however, found an unpleasant surprise. Our Response teams quickly arrived to remove nearly 200 gallons of water from a broken pipe. Getting all that water out was a top priority in preventing further damage and getting the clinic back on its feet and seeing patients.   

SERVPRO assists Quality Foods in Commerce, GA after fire/water damage

6/6/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO crews rally to help Quality foods get back on track.

In 2017 during the early morning hours of a quiet Wednesday, Quality Foods grocery store in Commerce, Ga suffered a small fire in the back of the building. Caused by a faulty appliance, the fire was quickly snuffed out by the sprinkler system. Thankfully, no one was injured during this event.

The fire and smoke damage were fortunately minor and limited to a small area.  But the sprinkler system that put out the fire also discharged several thousand gallons of water into a larger portion of the store.

SERVPRO of Tri-County was called and responded at 4 AM with emergency crews. By sun up that morning, the standing water had been removed and drying equipment was being placed.

All of us rely on our local grocer to provide a consistent supply of food and other necessary sundries. Disruption to that supply can be a real challenge to any community. Quality Foods was committed to minimize interruptions to their customers and to quickly have normal operations restored.

A plan of emergency cleanup was developed with Quality Foods, the Insurance carrier ‘NationWide’ and SERVPRO.   The staff at Quality Foods, SERVPRO and various mechanical trades were able to complete that mission the same day.   The following morning, the store was able to resume service to its customers.

SERVPRO continued to assist with drying and odor control in a manner that allowed customers to continue to shop in safety and comfort. Quality Foods also coordinated with various tradesmen to make other needed repairs after hours to further minimize disruption to customers and employees.

Thanks to the alert onsite Quality Foods managers and SERVPROs quick response that night, the water damage was mitigated and limited. The Commerce community was indeed blessed to have only a single day’s interruption to this very vital source.

Carpet cleaning

3/22/2019 (Permalink)

You can see in the photo how the PH booster and emulsifiers were able to break down the soil making it easy to rinse away.

If you live near Toccoa Ga. you should well understand the challenges in keeping carpets clean. North East Georgia is known for its thick and highly visible 'red clay' which tends to stick to every object, person and place.

This customer was considering the need to replace their carpet but, in an effort to save money called SERVPRO to give a best effort in removing the clay. Our technicians have been trained with a wide variety of techniques, tools and products in order to give our customers the leading edge in carpet cleaning and restoration.  

In this situation our technician applied a pre approved solution of detergent, PH boosters and emulsifiers specifically designed for heavy soiling. Next he Scrubbed the carpeting with a soft bristle rotary machine and rinsed everything away with a hot water steam extraction. With the carpet now looking good and smelling fresh large fans were set to speed drying so it could stay that way. 

Premier Carpet Cleaning

3/22/2019 (Permalink)

Built by Hydra-Master the RX20 is the premier tool to use and gives our techs the edge when a standard steam cleaning is just not enough.

With carpet cleaning on the forefront of our services in Lavonia Ga. SERVPRO would like to take the time to show why our carpet cleaning services are leading the competition. In this feature we will discuss the RX20 rotary extractor and how it improves the cleaning without adding cost to the customer.

SERVPRO technicians love the RX20 because it works hard giving 650 cleaning passes per minute, never gets tired and it delivers the same great results from beginning to end. All this work allows the carpet technician to focus more time on troubled areas and less time in your home, less time in your home = less money out of your pocket.

Our customers love the RX20 because its powerful jets and extraction ports sink deep into the fibers to clean all the way through, from tip to base without getting the carpet backing or padding wet. This makes dry times significantly lesser and allows our customers day to resume much sooner.

In our opinion the RX20 delivers the best clean results and promotes the fastest drying times making it a foundational tool for any Carpet tech.

Carpet cleaning

3/21/2019 (Permalink)

You can see in the photo how the PH booster and emulsifiers were able to break down the soil making it easy to rinse away. 

If you live near Lavonia Ga. you should well understand the challenges in keeping carpets clean. North East Georgia is known for its thick and highly visible 'red clay' which tends to stick to every object, person and place.

This customer was considering the need to replace their carpet but, in an effort to save money called SERVPRO to give a best effort in removing the clay. Our technicians have been trained with a wide variety of techniques, tools and products in order to give our customers the leading edge in carpet cleaning and restoration.  

In this situation our technician applied a pre approved solution of detergent, PH boosters and emulsifiers specifically designed for heavy soiling. Next he Scrubbed the carpeting with a soft bristle rotary machine and rinsed everything away with a hot water steam extraction. With the carpet now looking good and smelling fresh large fans were set to speed drying so it could stay that way. 


3/20/2019 (Permalink)

New service vehicles offer amazing Cargo capacity, advanced safety features and huge fuel savings.

Your local SERVPRO is steadily reducing its environmental impact and operating costs. With such a large service area, long drives and high fuel bills are large part of any local service business.Over the past 3 years, we have replaced our service trucks with RAM Promasters. Not only do these trucks carry impressive amounts of cargo and have added safety features, they are also more environmentally friendly.Each of the five ProMasters have tremendously improved our fuel economy, occasionally doubling the MPG of the trucks they have replaced!These vehicles are saving a combined 3,640 gallons less of fuel per year. That is a whopping 70,100 lbs of Carbon CO2 that isn't released into the atmosphere!

During their service life, over 850,000 lbs of CO2 will NOT be put into the atmosphere. That's the equivalent of planting 1,550 trees to improve our air quality. A Green win for all of us. 

Putting People to Work

1/30/2019 (Permalink)

Goodwill in Cornelia makes it easy to attend by being an excellent host!     

With the industry booming and a variety of services being offered, no matter if you are looking for some extra money or are looking for a trade to further your future or career SERVPRO is always searching for new talents to add to our team.

Along with our online application process our local SERVPRO is happy to work with ‘Goodwill’s Career Center’ to present to its hosts and attendees the opportunities that are currently available. This also gives us a moment to connect with those interested and explain those opportunities in more detail. Aside from the talent search the “Put People to Work” initiative is an excellent resource to educate the community on what services we offer, why we offer them and why our team is the best in the business.    

If you love the service industry and are geared to helping people in their time of need, plan on attending Goodwill’s job fair as our team would be happy to meet you and discuss any opportunities available. 


1/29/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is commuting in style with the new Chevy Volt.

You may have seen our new sales vehicle at your office. It is a Chevrolet Volt. Not only is it shiny and sporty, it also great for the environment. 

It is a plug-in hybrid. Each morning it travels its first 30 miles on pure electric power. When that battery supply is exhausted, the gasoline engine kicks in and it still gets a respectable 48 miles per gallon. Basically, the car runs on gasoline up hill and then down hill on electric.

After 9 months of daily service, it is averaging 78.1 mpg. This is a reduction of fuel use of over 875 gallons per year. That’s a whopping 17,500 lbs of Carbon CO2 that isn’t released into the atmosphere.

During its service life, over 140,000 lbs of CO2 will not be put into the atmosphere. That’s a fact that can help all of us breathe easier indeed.

Neighborhood of Hope

12/5/2018 (Permalink)

Kudos to Pleasant Grove Baptist for taking on the burden so many families face. For more information, contact John Todd at 706-245-5429.

We would like to recognize a vision that has come to fruition by one of our local churches. “Neighborhood of Hope”, designed to help families in need of housing was built by Pleasant Grove Baptist to provide a safe space for families to live while their lives are being rebuilt. When families have been removed from their homes by fire, flood and other various situations the church has always been eager to help even if the reach was limited. Now, with the newly developed neighborhood the church can further their reach by warmly hosting families and taking the burden of shelter off their plates.

When a family or individual arrives, they are interviewed and given clothes and basic necessities. The church ensures the correct paperwork is completed and hopefully move the family in within a day. Residents then sign a week to week agreement to care for the home and, based on income, would pay a weekly reimbursement fee for electricity.

Where did the sign go?

11/21/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO’s Royston location is improving drivers safety with some much needed road work.

You may have noticed our “missing” road sign. The message board is a staple for our local community which gives travelers the most current information, safety tips and always includes a touch of humor. The sign is noted by several our customers as being something they look forward to reading each day. The good news is that the sign is only being relocated as a larger project is unfolding. If you have ever left or frequently passed our Royston location, you would have undoubtedly experienced the extremely limited sight range motorist have upon entering State Hwy 29. The project is being facilitated by the Dept. of Transportation and includes tree removal and grade work to bring the ditch several more feet away from the road, greatly improving visibility. Time range for this project is uncertain but we will be working hard to get the sign replaced. Until then, feel free to browse our web page or Facebook site for the most recent news.  

New Hat

11/13/2018 (Permalink)

Nicholas fills his personal time with his wife and 4 children. He enjoys weight training, mud runs and is a Trail guide for 'TrailLife USA'.

This year at SERVPRO we have had a great year. Winter freeze, Summer cleanings, spring and fall preparations and spontaneous disasters tend to keep all our staff on their toes. Our goal is for everyone to know that they can call SERVPRO for emergency cleanup. Getting the word out to everyone can be a daunting task. To better help with this SERVPRO is happy to announce that Nicholas Alzen will be taking on the role of Marketing Manager.

"I have really enjoyed the challenges and successes over the last decade working with SERVPRO. Meeting people in their time of need is one of my passions and with such a great team and training here at SERVPRO I do not think it could be done better anywhere else. I am looking forward to taking on a new role that will help our company grow and get the word out that our teams care and are ready to help". -Nicholas Alzen

Nicholas is one of our Senior Drying and Division Chiefs. He has been with us since August 2006. He has over 10 years of experience in disaster response-cleanup caused by fire/water/mold. Certified through IICRC for Carpet Cleaning and Water Damage Restoration. He is also experienced in building construction and general carpentry as well as controlled demo.

Scouting for New Talent

11/7/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO’s Nicholas Alzen is with TJ Hamil. TJ who coordinated the Job Fair efforts at Emmanuel college is a prime example of resource and hospitality.

With the industry booming and a variety of services being offered, wether you are looking for some extra money or are looking for a trade to further your future or career SERVPRO is always searching for new talents to add to our team.

Along with our online application process our local SERVPRO habitually attends community job fairs to present to its hosts and attendees the opportunities that are currently available. This also gives us a moment to connect with those interested and explain those opportunities in more detail. Aside from the talent search the job fair is an excellent resource to educate the community on what services we offer, why we offer them and why our team is the best in the business.    

If you love the service industry and are geared to helping people in their time of need, plan on attending the local job fair as our team would be happy to meet you and discuss any opportunities available.

Continuing Education Facilitator Certification

11/13/2017 (Permalink)

Justin at your local SERVPRO is one of the first to complete the Facilitator Training Program for Continuing Education Course Instructors!

This year SERVPRO Industries began offering a Facilitator Training Program for Continuing Education Instructors. 

Justin at your local SERVPRO office is one of the first in the country to complete this certification.

The certification process included several steps, including a full day Presentation Skills Workshop that Justin attended at our Corporate Offices in Gallatin, Tennessee.

Completion of the certification also includes verification that the facilitator meets all state requirements and is a qualified subject matter expert in Water Damage Restoration, Fire & Smoke Cleanup, and Mold Remediation.

"I have been teaching CE Courses for our local Agents and Adjusters since 2011, but I really feel that this program has equipped me to take our classes up a notch. Our team is excited to start scheduling classes in 2018! Our intent is to offer not just credits for license renewals, but also an interactive learning experience that focuses on the major concerns of our local professionals. They have to invest their time to get the credit anyway, but we can offer them practical and useful information from a local service provider... and it is much more fun than sitting in another webinar!"

For Immediate Service in Northeast Georgia, Call SERVPRO

7/14/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Tri-County provides 24-hour emergency service and is dedicated to being faster to any-sized disaster in Northeast Georgia. We can respond immediately to your emergency and have the expertise to handle your restoration or cleaning needs.

  • 24-Hour Emergency Service
  • Faster to Any-Sized Disaster
  • Highly Trained Restoration Technicians
  • A Trusted Leader in the Restoration Industry
  • Locally Owned and Operated
  • Advanced Restoration and Cleaning Equipment 

Have Questions? Call Us 24/7 – 706-245-7109

Residential Services

Whether your Northeast Georgia home needs emergency flood damage or your upholstery cleaned, you can depend on us.  Our technicians have extensive cleaning and restoration training and can make your property look its best. Learn more about our residential services:

  • Water Damage Restoration
  • Fire Damage Restoration
  • Mold Remediation
  • Storm Damage Restoration
  • Cleaning Services
  • Building/Reconstruction Services

Commercial Services

There's never a convenient time for fire or Water damage to strike your Northeast Georgia commercial property. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when the need arises for professional cleaning or emergency restoration services we have the training and expertise to respond promptly with highly trained technicians to get your property back to business. Learn more about our commercial services: http://www.SERVPROtricounty.com/

  • Commercial Water Damage Restoration
  • Commercial Fire Damage Restoration

Faster to your Northeast Georgia Water Damage Event

7/14/2017 (Permalink)

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Santa Barbara provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO of Tri-County and The Mountains arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – 706-245-7109

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO of Tri-County and The Mountains

SERVPRO of Tri-County and The Mountains specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Northeast Georgia Residents: Follow These Mold Safety Tips If You Suspect Mold

7/14/2017 (Permalink)

If you see visible mold, do not disturb it. You can inadvertently spread the mold infestation throughout your home. When mold is disturbed, the mold can release microscopic mold spores which become airborne and can circulate inside your home.

What to Do:

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
  • Contact SERVPRO of Tri-County for mold remediation services.

What Not to Do:

  • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
  • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
  • Don’t attempt to dry the area yourself.
  • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.

About Our Mold Remediation Services

SERVPRO of Tri-County specializes in mold cleanup and restoration, in fact, it’s a cornerstone of our business.  Our crews are highly trained restoration professionals that use specialized equipment and techniques to properly remediate your mold problem quickly and safely.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – 706-245-7109

When Storms or Floods hit Northeast Georgia, SERVPRO is ready!

7/5/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Tri-County specializes in storm and flood damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit Northeast Georgia, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster.

We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,700 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today 706-245-7109

SERVPRO Donating Services

6/15/2017 (Permalink)

Toccoa Falls College recently had a need for cleaning services. SERVPRO was happy to help! Here is what the President of the College wrote in response to our donation of our professional cleaning services:


I wish to offer my sincere appreciation to you, SERVPRO of the Mountains, and your team in a generous donation of time and energy from the missionary housing project on the Toccoa Falls Campus. We appreciate the professional cleaning of the sofa, love seat and the cushions of one of the homes. They greatly enhanced the decor and "freshness" of the house. Thank you for your involvement in helping us improve these furnished homes for missionaries and international workers during their year of home assignment.

We wish to offer you our gratitude for your help and encouragement. Many of these projects we cannot complete without gifts and generosity of individuals and corporations within our surrounding area, and we are grateful to SERVPRO of the Mountains.

Thank you again for your help in making this endeavor a reality. May God bless you and SERVPRO.


Dr. Roberts Meyers


Toccoa Falls College

Firefighters' Weekend

6/15/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO supported a local event for Firefighters by passing out doughnuts and coffee. the event was designed as a training secession for our local heroes in our fire departments. Here is what Shane Scoggins at The Hartwell Sun wrote about the event:

" The Lavonia Fire Department hosted a Firefighters's Weekend that provided training for 97 volunteer firefighters from Franklin, Hart, Stephens, Madison, Habersham and Banks counties.

Over the years, us going to Forsyth, it's hard for volunteers to get off. Lavonia fire chief Scott O'Barr said of a motivation for ht weekend.

It would be impossible for the number of volunteers attending Lavonia's event to all drive two hours to Forsyth for training, O'Barr said.

By offering classes in Lavonia, it allows Firefighters "to work with people they work with," he said which allows them to train as a group and team.

It also allowed firefighters from departments from neighboring counties to get to know each other.

Holding such classes was part of the motivation for the Lovonia department to build its training center behind the Lavoina Cultural Center.

The center, which allows live burns and training exercises, opened last year.

The volunteers attending the weekend had the opportunity to attend classes in basic structure fire control, auto extrication and low angle rope rescue. Department officers were also able to take volunteer officers' class.

The weekend included classroom work Saturday and hands-on training Sunday at the training center and the other locations.

Instructors from all over the state came to Lavonia to teach the classes. The instructors included members of Georgia Smokejumpers, an elite group that O'Barr said was the fire service's equivalent of Navy SEALs.

In addition to classes the weekend included a T-shirt for each student, meals Saturday and Sunday, doughnuts and coffee both mornings and refreshments.

All that was provided free of charge to the participants.

"They had to bring absolutely nothing but their gear" O'Barr said.

David Phillips said the Firefighters Association received a grant from the Hart EMC Foundation to cover mos of the $4,500 costs - including Lodging for some out-of-town instructors. Anyone wanting to make a donation to cover the remaining cost may do so at the Firefighters Association, which is a 5013 organization.

O'Barr said the weekend was also made possible by donations from Fireline Fire Equipment, SERVPRO, Subway of Lavonia and Concept Graphics and assistance from Georgia Emergency Management Agency and EMS."

Restoring Your Northeast Georgia Commercial Property After A Water Damage Event

5/13/2016 (Permalink)

Commercial Water Damage Events Present Unique Challenges

Flooding and water damage events at Northeast Georgia commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Tri-County

SERVPRO of Tri-County specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.


Northeast Georgia Smoke and Soot Cleanup

5/13/2016 (Permalink)

Smoke and Soot Damage Can Cause a Pervasive Odor in Your Northeast Georgia Home.

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Tri-County will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today –

Our Highly Trained Restoration Specialists can restore your Northeast Georgia Home

5/13/2016 (Permalink)

We are an IICRC Certified Firm

SERVPRO of Tri-County is an IICRC firm. The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) creates the standards for the restoration industry and provides training and certification to restoration companies. IICRC Certified Firms have the right to display the IICRC Certified Logo.

IICRC Certified Firms must

• Present accurate information to consumers and conduct business with honesty and integrity.

• Require a technician on all jobs who has been formally trained and passed all required tests.

• Require a continuing education program to keep technicians up-to-date on the latest changes in the industry.

• Maintain liability insurance to protect all parties in the event of an accident.

• Maintain a written complaint policy and agree to Better Business Bureau or similar arbitration to resolve disputes, and accept the conclusions and recommendations of arbitration.

The IICRC Develops The Standards For The Restoration Industry

The IICRC has been the driving force in establishing the main industry standards and reference guides for professional carpet cleaning, water damage restoration and mold remediation. These IICRC standards take years to develop and require the coordination of experts in the field: manufacturers, industry organizations, insurance professionals, training schools, contractors, and public health professionals.

Every five years, the standards are reviewed and updated. The water damage restoration field changes rapidly with advancements in technology and science, and therefore the standards must evolve to keep pace.

About SERVPRO of Tri-County

SERVPRO of Tri-County specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration and we are an IICRC Certified Firm. We believe in continuous training: from initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.


Does Your Northeast Georgia Home Have A Mold Problem?

5/13/2016 (Permalink)

In Northeast Georgia, mold can spread through a home in as little as 48 hours.

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – 706-245-7109

Northeast Georgia 24 Hour Emergency Water Damage Service

5/12/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Tri-County provides 24 hour fire and water damage restoration service in Northeast Georgia

SERVPRO of Tri-County is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage.

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help
Call Today - 706-245-7109

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of Tri-County has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration—in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?

About SERVPRO of Tri-County

SERVPRO of Tri-County specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.


Franklin County Chamber Trade Show 2014

11/18/2014 (Permalink)

Don, Justin, and Daniel from our local SERVPRO, had a great time at the 2014 Franklin County Chamber Trade Show! The Franklin County Chamber of Commerce Business Committee hosted this event at Lavonia First Baptist.

 Justin is also chairman of the committee that organized the event. "We had an amazing turnout... even better than last year! We had over 40 local businesses and civic groups present tabletop displays and interactive presentations. We also had over 60 students interview the businesses as part of the Chamber's Education in Enterprise Initiative. 

As always, we owe a special thanks to Aida, Director of Chamber Services. There are no words to express how much you are appreciated! 

Record setting putt at the FedEx Cup SERVPRO Booth!

9/15/2014 (Permalink)

The most talked about putt at the FedEx Cup should have been the 8 footer sunk by a 10 year old girl at the SERVPRO booth!

"Bubba who?"

The most talked about putt at the FedEx Cup should have been the 8 footer sunk by a 10 year old girl at the SERVPRO booth!

Awesome job!

Local Franchise at the FedEx Cup

9/15/2014 (Permalink)

"My record was 5 in a row, just don't ask how many I missed before that!"

SERVPRO is a national sponsor of the PGA Tour. Don & Justin, from our local franchise, got the opportunity to help out at the putting green competition in the SERVPRO booth at the FedEx Cup Finals this year.

"We had a great time telling folks about our Fire & Water Damage Cleanup Services, not to mention taking a few shots ourselves at the putting green. My record was 5 in a row, just don't ask how many I missed before that!""

Special thanks to Casey from our National Marketing team for the invitation to work with our neighboring SERVPRO teams at an awesome event!

Back to School Carpet Cleaning

8/15/2014 (Permalink)

Taking a moment to say thank you to our local schools for hiring SERVPRO for Carpet Cleaning during the summer break. As always we appreciate your business, and we love knowing we could help you get ready for another great year!

Call us to clean carpet at home now that the kids are back in school!

Awesome turn-out for Continuing Education Class!

6/30/2014 (Permalink)

Thanks to everyone who helped make our last CE Class a huge success! We had a great time out at Kingwood in Clayton, Georgia. We got 3 hours of Ethics credit for local Insurance professionals. The class was taught by Steve DeBlois from our national SERVPRO office. Steve did a great job discussing ethics in different aspects of the Cleaning and Restoration industry. Since we specialize in Fire & Water Damage Cleanup for insurance claims, we had not trouble relating to our audience of local agents and adjusters. 

Old Friend becomes New Recruit

4/30/2013 (Permalink)

Fire & Water Cleanup Rep for SERVPRO of Tri-County & The Mountains

Don Julian has signed on as a representative for our local Fire & Water Damage Restoration Franchise. Don brings more than 36 years of experience as an Insurance Claims Adjuster.

"We knew Don already from years of working on claims with him," said Justin, Marketing Manager. "His familiarity with us and our industry is truly a great asset. Even without that, his work ethic and attitude could have gotten him the job. I am thrilled to have Don on our team."

Don will be building & maintaining relationships with our Emergency Service Customers primarily in the following cities in northeast Georgia: Clayton, Clarkesville, Helen, Cleveland, Demorest, Cornelia, Toccoa, Lavonia, Royston, Hartwell, & Elberton.


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