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Protect Your Home from Summer Storm Damage | SERVPRO of Tri-County

7/15/2024 (Permalink)

dark gray cloudy background with torrential downpour rain overlay When storms strike, call SERVPRO of Tri-County to restore your property to preloss condition faster!

Summer in North Georgia is a beautiful time of year, but it also brings the risk of severe storms. High winds, heavy rains, and lightning can cause significant damage to your home if you’re not prepared. Luckily, there are steps you can take to safeguard your property. Here are some tips from SERVPRO of Tri-County to help you avoid damage during summer storms.

Understand North Georgia Summer Weather

Our summers are characterized by hot temperatures and sudden, intense thunderstorms. These storms can bring heavy rainfall, leading to flash floods, as well as strong winds that can topple trees and power lines. Being aware of the weather patterns in our area is the first step in protecting your home.

Keep Your Gutters Clean

One of the simplest ways to prevent storm damage is to ensure your gutters are clean and in good condition. Gutters direct rainwater away from your home, preventing water from pooling around the foundation, which can cause flooding and structural damage. Check and clean your gutters regularly, especially before and after a storm.

Trim Trees and Shrubs

Trees and shrubs that are too close to your home can be a major hazard during a storm. Strong winds can break branches or even uproot trees, causing them to fall on your house. Trim any branches that hang over your roof and remove dead or weak trees that could pose a risk. This proactive step can save you from costly repairs and potential injuries.

Secure Outdoor Furniture and Decorations

Outdoor furniture, decorations, and other loose items can become dangerous projectiles in high winds. Before a storm hits, secure these items or bring them indoors. This includes patio furniture, grills, garden tools, and toys. By taking these precautions, you can prevent damage to your property and reduce the risk of injury.

Check Your Roof and Windows

Inspect your roof for any missing or damaged shingles and repair them promptly. A well-maintained roof is essential for keeping water out of your home during a storm. Additionally, check your windows and doors for any gaps or leaks and seal them as needed. Consider installing storm shutters for extra protection.

Have an Emergency Plan

Despite all precautions, it’s important to be prepared for the worst. Create an emergency plan for your family, including a safe place to take shelter and a list of emergency contacts. Keep a supply kit with essentials like water, food, flashlights, and batteries. Knowing what to do during a storm can help keep you and your loved ones safe.

By following these tips, you can help protect your home from the damaging effects of summer storms. Our experienced team is Here to Help® you prepare for and recover from any storm-related damage. Don’t wait until it’s too late – take action today to safeguard your home.

Remember, SERVPRO of Tri-County is your trusted partner in storm damage restoration. Contact us anytime for expert advice and services to keep your home safe this summer.

If you have storm damage, call SERVPRO of Tri-County day or night.

Why an Emergency Plan Matters When It Comes to Natural Disasters | SERVPRO of Tri-County

7/3/2024 (Permalink)

man in suit at computer working on a standard erp SERVPRO of Tri-County is Here to Help® your business prepare for disaster with an updated ERP!
Protect Your Business

As a business owner in the northern part of Georgia, you’ve invested time, money, and effort into making your business successful. But have you thought about what might happen if a natural disaster strikes? In this region, we face a variety of natural hazards, from severe storms and floods to tornadoes and even the occasional winter weather. Being prepared can make all the difference in how your business survives and recovers. That’s why having an emergency plan is crucial.

The Reality of Natural Disasters

Natural disasters can hit when you least expect them, and our Georgia community is no stranger to severe weather. Flooding from heavy rains can occur, especially during the rainy season, potentially damaging property and disrupting operations. Tornadoes, though less frequent, pose a significant threat with their destructive power. Winter storms, while rare, can also impact the area, causing power outages and hazardous conditions.

Why an Emergency Plan is Essential

An emergency plan outlines the procedures and resources needed to respond effectively to various disasters.

Here’s why it’s essential:

Minimizes Business Downtime

Having a plan in place helps ensure your business can continue operating or quickly resume after a disaster. This might include identifying critical functions, setting up temporary workspaces, or having backup suppliers.

Protects Employees and Customers

Safety is paramount. An emergency plan details evacuation routes, emergency contacts, and safety procedures, helping to protect everyone on your premises during a disaster.

Reduces Financial Loss

Preparation can significantly reduce the financial impact of a disaster. By knowing how to secure your property and having insurance information readily available, you can mitigate some of the losses and speed up the recovery process.

Enhances Reputation

A business that is prepared for emergencies demonstrates reliability and responsibility, qualities that customers and partners value. It shows that you care about their safety and the continuity of your services.

How to Create an Emergency Plan

Creating an emergency plan might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Start by identifying potential risks specific to our area, such as flooding and tornadoes. Then, develop a response strategy for each scenario, including communication plans, evacuation procedures, and recovery steps.

SERVPRO of Tri-County specializes in helping businesses prepare for and recover from natural disasters. Our experts can assist you in developing a comprehensive emergency plan tailored to your specific needs.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

Natural disasters can strike at any time. Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your business. Taking proactive steps now can save you time, money, and stress in the future. Stay prepared and keep your business resilient with the right emergency plan in place.

Visit SERVPRO of Tri-County today to learn more about creating an emergency plan and how we can help you safeguard your business.

How to Protect Your Home from Severe Thunderstorms | SERVPRO of Tri-County

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

lightning strike across stormy purple sky Whether its storm damage cleanup or restoration, SERVPRO of Tri-County is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call.
Understanding the Risks

Living in an area prone to severe thunderstorms can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. While the sound of thunder and the sight of lightning can be awe-inspiring, these storms also pose a significant risk to your home and safety. According to a study by the National Severe Storms Laboratory, thunderstorms can cause an average of $15 billion in property damage each year in the United States alone.

Preparing Your Home

To minimize the risk of damage to your home during a severe thunderstorm, it’s essential to take proactive measures. Start by inspecting your roof for loose shingles or areas of weakness. According to research published by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety, roofs are particularly vulnerable during severe weather events, and addressing any issues beforehand can prevent costly damage.

Next, make sure your gutters are clean and free of debris. Clogged gutters can lead to water backup and flooding, which can cause extensive damage to your home’s foundation and interior. Additionally, consider installing gutter guards to prevent debris from accumulating in the future.

Securing Outdoor Items

One often overlooked aspect of storm preparedness is securing outdoor items. Patio furniture, grills, and other outdoor equipment can become dangerous projectiles during high winds. According to a study conducted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, unsecured outdoor items cause millions of dollars in damage each year during severe weather events. Take the time to secure or bring indoors any items that could be picked up by strong winds.

Creating a Safety Plan

Finally, it’s crucial to have a safety plan in place for you and your family. Designate a safe area within your home where you can take shelter during a storm, such as a basement or interior room on the lowest floor. Make sure everyone in your household knows where to go and what to do in case of severe weather.

By taking these proactive steps, you can help minimize the risk of damage to your home during a severe thunderstorm.

Remember, preparation is key when it comes to weathering the storm. Stay safe, stay informed, and stay proactive.

For fast recovery after any storm, visit SERVPRO of Tri-County today.

Staying Fire Safe in Your Backyard | SERVPRO of Tri-County

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

burgers over open flame grill Gather around the grill, but don't forget about fire safety! Follow these tips from SERVPRO of Tri-County to ensure a fun and safe night.
The Importance of Fire Safety in Outdoor Spaces

As the weather warms up, many homeowners are eager to spend time outdoors, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. However, it’s crucial to remember that with the beauty of outdoor living comes the responsibility of fire safety. At SERVPRO of Tri-County, we’re passionate about helping homeowners stay safe and protected, both inside and outside their homes.

According to a study conducted by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a significant number of fires originate in outdoor spaces such as yards, patios, and decks. These fires can result from various causes, including improperly disposed of cigarettes, unattended bonfires, and malfunctioning outdoor cooking equipment.

Another study published in the Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering highlights the importance of fire safety education and awareness in reducing the risk of outdoor fires. By taking proactive measures and implementing proper safety practices, homeowners can significantly lower the likelihood of fire-related incidents in their backyard.

Tips for Fire Safety in Your Outdoor Space
  1. Clear Surroundings: Keep your outdoor area clear of dry leaves, grass, and other flammable materials that could easily ignite.

  2. Properly Dispose of Ashes: If you have a fire pit or outdoor fireplace, ensure that ashes are completely extinguished and properly disposed of in a metal container.

  3. Use Caution with Outdoor Cooking: Whether you’re grilling or using a fire pit for cooking, always supervise the flames and keep a fire extinguisher nearby.

  4. Install Fire-Resistant Features: Consider using fire-resistant materials for outdoor furniture, decking, and landscaping to minimize fire risk.

  5. Regular Maintenance: Inspect and clean outdoor cooking equipment, such as grills and smokers, regularly to prevent buildup and malfunctions.

By following these simple yet effective tips, homeowners can create a safer outdoor environment for themselves, their families, and their neighbors.

Stay Safe with SERVPRO®

At SERVPRO of Tri-County, we understand the importance of fire safety in every aspect of homeownership. Whether you need tips for preventing fires or assistance with fire damage restoration, our team is here to help. Visit our website to learn more about our services and how we can support you in staying fire safe this season.

Visit SERVPRO of Tri-County for more information and expert assistance in fire safety and restoration.

Water and Business Don’t Mix | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

concrete tile floor covered with water Don't let water damage harm your business. Call SERVPRO of Tri-County today!

You are putting your best foot forward and ready to face the day, only to be met by a musty odor as you walk through the doors of your office. Dealing with a leak and wet floors was certainly not on your to-do list.

Finding a leak in your business is something that everyone dreads, but discovering that there has been a full-on flood is a true nightmare scenario.

Whether the water comes from a natural source or is the product of failed plumbing, the faster you can take action, the better. When you know exactly how to respond, you can mitigate your losses and keep your business moving forward.

One Step at a Time

Water and business simply don’t mix, so even when a natural disaster strikes and you were prepared for flooding, things can still be pretty overwhelming once the event is said and done.

Take a moment to center yourself and catch your breath, then jump into action with a few simple steps. By kicking into high gear, you can prevent extreme damage and stop potential mold growth.

1. Stay safe. The No. 1 priority should always be keeping yourself and your staff safe. Find somewhere that is dry so that you can get a better grip on the situation, and call SERVPRO® immediately. We will get as much information as we can over the phone, while we also mobilize a team. While you wait for our professionals, take some photos to document damage.

2. Control the disaster. If the flooding originated from an interior source, it is crucial to gain some control. Try and identify the source so that you not only know what kind of water you are dealing with, but can also cut it off. If you can’t find the exact source, cut the water at the main valve.

3. Start the drying process. You want to stay out of floodwaters as much as you are able. Even when they start out clean, floodwaters can become contaminated or even a biohazard fairly quickly. You will also want to try to start drying things out. Open windows, run fans and move anything in the water’s path.

Work With the Pros

As soon as our team gets there, they will begin removing standing water from your business. A complete assessment will also be done in order to give you the best idea of how your restoration process is going to go. We will work directly with your insurance agency. Whatever we can do to make the process as simple as possible, we are going to do it.

Now that our professionals are handling your restoration, you can focus on how you are going to get business going again. If the flooding only affected a minor part of your building and it is safe to do so, our team will seal off the area they are working in so that you can open the rest of your building.

Throughout the drying process, we will involve you in every decision that has to be made about your property. It is always our goal to restore everything we can so that you can save your money on replacement items.

Water and business will never mix. We are here to quickly get things cleaned up after any disaster strikes so that you can get back to work fast.

Do you need repairs after a water disaster in your commercial building? Contact us to get dried out quickly.

Why a Local Partner Is Important | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

group of 3 SERVPRO reps standing near a green semi truck at a work site No job is too big or too small for our team of industry leading experts at SERVPRO of Tri-County!

Disasters are one of those things that none of us want to think about. Considering what home might look like with damage is just too hard to imagine.

When a natural disaster is predicted, you can do a lot of prep work in order to mitigate some of your losses. Unfortunately, even the most prepared home could end up facing damage. A disaster striking inside your home could create even more chaos since they are almost always completely a surprise.

No matter where it comes from or when it strikes, when disaster hits we are all anxious to get our lives back to normal as fast as possible. That is why local companies are important.

<h3the-right-choice">Making the Right Choice

Getting through a disaster is a stressful situation, and finding your home damaged afterward can make you feel completely overwhelmed. You need to move fast and make some pretty big decisions, all while trying to handle your emotions. Having a professional team that can help you navigate your next steps is crucial.

Timing after a disaster is important, as damage can get worse over time. You need to choose the right restoration service fast. Look for a company that has an experienced staff that is certified. They should also be available around the clock—disasters don’t keep a schedule.

SERVPRO of Tri-County meets all of those requirements, but comes with the additional benefit of being locally owned and operated. That means when you work with us, you work with your neighbors.

Because we live in the community, we have experienced the same disasters you have and felt the same physical and emotional toll that disasters bring. We aren’t just trying to get a job done—we are trying to put our community back together.

<h3history-of-experience">A History of Experience

After a disaster strikes and leaves you facing a recovery process, a knowing and friendly face will be very comforting, but you also need to know that your life is going to be back to normal fast. SERVPRO® is backed by a national brand, which means we can always have the right amount of help when our community needs it.

SERVPRO was started in 1967 and has been growing in the restoration industry ever since. Around the nation, there are currently more than 2,000 locations, including this one right here in the north Georgia.

Working with SERVPRO means you are working with a team that has been highly trained in every aspect of disaster recovery. With training, experience and certifications, our team really is the only crew you will need.

Our team can handle every aspect of your restoration, from start to finish. If your roof needs to be tarped we will get it done, just like we can get rebuilding an entire section of your house done. We stay ahead of the latest techniques and technology, and we consistently update our equipment. Whatever is needed to tackle recovery fast we will do so that our community can be put back together quickly.

A history of experience and a team that loves this community makes SERVPRO the best choice for you any time a disaster strikes. Whatever you need, we’ve got it.

Want to learn more about everything we can do for you? Contact us to be prepared for anything.

Moisture and Your Home | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

close up of condensation on window pane and ledge Water damage can happen anywhere in your home. Call SERVPRO of Tri-County to restore water damage on your property 24/7, 365.

How much water is running in your home right now? Do you have a load of laundry washing or perhaps the dishwasher going for what feels like the third time today? Having water when we need it can make life much easier, but it also leaves our home vulnerable to water damage.

While even a single leak can result in a pretty chaotic mess, there are a lot of things you can do to prevent a disaster. When you know where moisture most commonly affects your home you can keep things safe.

Under Your Sinks

The first place you should get used to checking for excess moisture in your home is under the sink. Both your kitchen and the bathrooms in your home are some of the top places that leaks start and go unnoticed. Sinks often have multiple water lines, and we tend to store plenty of items under them as well. This can make finding a small leak challenging.

Check under your sinks weekly. Run your hand along all the water lines, feeling for moisture, holes or other deterioration. Make sure all the connection points are tight on everything under your sink, and replace anything that is starting to wear out.

Beneath Appliances

Your appliances that use water are another common source of hidden leaks. When leaks start in an appliance, it is often under or behind it. Dishwashers, refrigerators and washing machines can all be hiding leaks that can do a lot of damage to your home.

Put pulling your appliances out on your calendar every few months. Give the wall and floor behind them a deep-cleaning when you do, and start looking for signs of an issue. Mold growth, water droplets or soft spots in the floor are indicators that your appliance has been leaking.

Behind Your Walls or Floors

One of the reasons you want to find and correct leaks quickly is because water, even just a little bit of it, can move really quickly. Water will find its way into any crack or crevice nearby, which could leave you with water damage behind your walls or under your floors.

If you find yourself constantly sniffing around to identify a musty odor, it’s time to start doing some digging and looking for possible water behind the walls. A new squeak in the floor can be another sign that something is going wrong, especially when it is near an appliance.

Around Your Windows and Doors

When the temperatures swing inside or outside of your home, it can leave your windows covered in condensation. Although this is pretty common, it still isn’t something you want to ignore. Condensation can stick around for a long time, threatening the structure of your home as it drips in between siding or into other cracks around your window.

Check your windows and doors regularly to ensure they are well-sealed. Run your hand along the frame to feel for moisture or weak spots in the seal. Fill in any gaps and update the caulking whenever things are looking questionable.

Don’t let any water damage you do find be a reason to panic. Just give SERVPRO® a call, and we will get your home taken care of fast. Whether you have standing water from a full flood or damage that has happened over time, we’ve got your needs covered.

Don’t ignore signs of water damage! Call SERVPRO for a quick restoration.

Disasters and Businesses: How to Recover | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

business man in office talking to female SERVPRO rep SERVPRO of Tri-County is here for your business every step of the way, from ERPs to disaster recovery.

When a disaster strikes, your home, business and entire community could be left reeling in the wake. Taking stock of everything that has happened can make knowing how to take any steps forward challenging.

Putting your home back together after any kind of disaster will always be a top priority, but when you own a business, getting back to work is likely just as crucial. The good news? With a little bit of planning and a total restoration team like ours at SERVPRO of Tri-County right around the corner, you can get back to normal life quickly.

Prepare Ahead of Time

In order to recover quickly after a disaster, you need to have a plan created long before one can ever strike. With a well-rehearsed plan, you and your team can seamlessly flow through the steps to prepare ahead of a storm, flood or fire and be ready to jump right back into work afterward.

One of the most crucial parts of a solid emergency plan is communication. Preparing for disasters should be a regular part of your staff training so that it can be enacted with very little direction when something does happen.

Every few months, walk your building with your employees to point out exit routes, fire extinguishers and water shut-off valves. Give a quick rundown on how to use emergency supplies, and talk with your staff about the best way to secure your building when a storm is predicted.

Ensure your team knows the expectations for getting back to work once the threat of a disaster has passed. If you will be working remotely, check equipment and networks early to ensure everyone has what they need.

If your building is unusable and you intend to use an alternate location, make sure keys or security information are properly distributed ahead of time. Keep in touch with your team throughout the event, and plan on communicating instructions across multiple platforms.

Recover Quickly

When you have a plan and a team that understands how to get through a disaster, you can rest a little easier knowing that your business is already on the road to recovery. Contact our SERVPRO® office the moment it is safe to do so, and we will get restoration started quickly.

As the drying out, sanitizing and rebuilding of your physical location begins, you can start communicating with your customers. Be as transparent as possible, and share your story and potential reopening dates across multiple platforms in order to reach as many people as possible.

While you journey through recovery, do your best to keep an open mind. You will need to be flexible as things progress, and workflow may have to shift or decrease. Remember that this is only for a little while—things will be back to normal before you know it.

Make a plan, train your staff and rely on our restoration team in order to get through any disaster fast. With good communication and our crew hard at work, your business will be thriving in no time.

Has your business experienced a disaster, or do you want help building an emergency plan? Contact us to find everything you need.

Staying Fire-Safe in a Warm Home | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

brick chimney with lit fire logs Fire safety is a top priority for us at SERVPRO of Tri-County this winter. Keep your home safe with these helpful tips!

Do you love or hate the time of year when winter has fully set in? No matter which camp you are in, you have to admit there is nothing quite like curling up under a warm blanket and watching a fire glow in your fireplace.

Fireplaces, warm socks and comfy sweatshirts might make this season a cozy one, but it also leaves your home at risk. House fires increase dramatically in the winter, and many of them are caused by the improper use of heating equipment. With a few safety steps, though, you can enjoy the cozy and stay safe in a warm house.

Addressing Your Fireplace

Having a fireplace in your home is a great way to create a beautiful ambiance. It is also a great secondary source of heat to keep things warm when the power goes out, but fireplaces can be dangerous when they aren’t used correctly.

If you burn wood, be sure to clean ash and other debris after every fire. Have your chimney inspected and cleaned by a certified professional every year to prevent buildup of creosote.

Don’t put anything flammable near your fireplace. If you have a mantle, avoid storing anything that dangles down or could burn easily. For a gas or electric fireplace, take a look at the connections every few months to make sure they are tight and don’t show any signs of aging.

Dust is highly flammable, so keep everything clean around your fireplace. You should have a smoke detector and a carbon monoxide detector in the room with your fireplace that has good batteries.

Space Heater Safety

With a mostly milder climate in our area, space heaters are a common choice for heating a single room without having to change the temperature on your thermostat. Space heaters are responsible for nearly 1,700 house fires every year, which means you need to use it safely the next time a cold morning rolls around.

Before you turn on your heater, make sure it is on a flat surface with nothing around it. Take a look at the cord and make sure it is free of any fraying, and always plug space heaters directly into the wall.

Teach your children and your animals to stay at least three feet away from your heater. The warmth may feel nice, but you still shouldn’t put the heater near the couch, bed or curtains. Don’t use an extension cord or power strip with space heaters, and always turn them off when you leave the room.

Suggested Safety Features for Your Space Heater

If you haven’t replaced your space heaters recently, consider an upgrade. There are a lot of options on the market today, but look for a few specific safety features to get the best possible units for your home.

Only buy from a certified, reputable company. Make sure the units you purchase have passed a number of tests before they are sold. Any space heater you use should automatically shut off when it is bumped or tipped. They should also have a thermostat that shuts them off after running for a certain length of time.

Cords on space heaters should be long enough to meet your needs while plugged directly into the wall, generally six feet is ideal.

Love or hate it, winter is here to stay. When you take care of your home, you can stay safe and warm without too much fear of a disaster. If something does happen, a single call to SERVPRO of Tri-County can get your home back to normal fast.

A quick fire damage restoration is just a phone call away. Call SERVPRO® for immediate assistance.

A Single Call to Handle Multiple Kinds of Damage | SERVPRO of Tri-County

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pouring down on an outdoor metal roof in a storm SERVPRO of Tri-County is Here to Help® when any disaster strikes!

Do you know that cliche “when it rains, it pours”? It seems like one piece of bad luck can often lead to another. This saying can seem especially true when you consider the damage left behind after a disaster strikes.

Whether Mother Nature brings a storm to town or an appliance in your home fails, one kind of damage almost always leads to another. That is why a team you can call once to handle all your damage, like ours at SERVPRO®, is crucial.

The Impact of Disasters

Disasters can take a huge toll when they strike. Whether it happened to your entire community or just your own home, a predicted storm can strike harder and faster than you thought possible and leave you feeling pretty overwhelmed. Even something manmade can be pretty devastating, especially since they can happen with no warning.

A rainstorm can sweep through your area and grow heavy enough to create flooding, which will later leave enough moisture to later lead to mold growth. High winds can take out the electricity long-term, blow around debris or damage your roof. Fires create smoke, soot, water damage, structural damage and odors that can be very difficult to get rid of.

The longer it takes to clean up one kind of damage, the faster others will appear. The emotional toll of disasters can also be great on top of everything else you are dealing with. That makes fast recovery crucial.

A Single Team, Total Restoration

Timing matters when it comes to disaster recovery. That is why our office is ready to take your call day or night, 365 days a year. When you call us, we start establishing a plan for your restoration while we deploy a team to head to your property.

Our experts come with plenty of training and certifications in a number of disaster scenarios. We are also locally owned and operated, which means our crew is your neighbors. We love this community as much as you do, and we have taken care of homes and offices throughout the area.

If you suffer roof damage during a storm, we will respond fast to get it tarped in order to keep out other elements while the rest of your restoration takes place. When flooding strikes, we immediately start removing water while working to save as much of your property as we can.

When things get bad enough and part of your home is no longer safe, we can tear it down and rebuild it. Our goal is to get things back to normal as fast as possible for you, and we will do whatever it takes to do it.

SERVPRO is a total restoration company, which means we walk with you on the road to recovery until everything is exactly as it should be again. If an odor is hanging out in your home after a mold outbreak or a fire, we will walk hard to make sure things even smell the way you expect them to.

A staff that is trained, educated and comes with industry-leading equipment, along with a heart for the community and availability at any time makes SERVPRO the only call you will have to make. We will hold an umbrella up when the rain starts pouring and help you get back to sunshine faster.

Have you experienced a disaster and need restorations? Make one call to our office to start recovery fast.